Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [prep] a long " in BNC.

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1 But the second perspective is that the rent review clause is the landlord 's price for the grant of a long term , in the absence of which he would have granted a shorter term .
2 Their eyes met for the space of a long heartbeat , and despite the clean white bandage round the man 's forehead and the strip of plaster on one bruised cheek , Grant felt a surge of rage at the thought that he was face to face with the brutal oriental who had hurt Pam .
3 One simple explanation for the absence of a long term reputation building in our model is that the dominant strategy type is of measure zero in the priors , so it is impossible for other types to credibly acquire a reputation .
4 ‘ We 've acted for the club for a long time and have always had a good relationship with them .
5 Celtic should be encouraged by the form of Paul McStay , who orchestrated their dominance in this match and clearly has not lost his zest for the game after a long winter injury .
6 It must be very galling for the KGB and GRU , having secured some seemingly important technical secret from the West as the result of a long , complex , covert operation , to see it wasted simply because Russian industry is quite incapable of utilising it .
7 History records that , after months of study , Dewey was thinking about the problem during a long sermon in church .
8 ‘ Bill and I talked about the amniocentesis for a long time tonight , and we 've decided against it . ’
9 When I was alone , I thought about the situation for a long time .
10 Nick clung to Carrie 's sleeve as they went through the door into a long , dark room with pointed windows .
11 A new way of wearing the toga was developed , hitching the voluminous garment off the ground with a long fold ( the sinus ) below the right arm .
12 there are many people and probably a few of you here tonight , who have been members of the Church for a long time .
13 We ‘ book people ’ are somewhat defensive about our occupation of the Church for a long period , so the following incident naturally gave us new confidence .
14 However , at Cosmeston the archaeologist has the opportunity to excavate a large portion of the settlement over a long period of time and to use the results to shed light on sites where the excavators have not been so fortunate .
15 The woman waited in front of the door for a long time .
16 When I was at school and university in the 1960s , when the myth of progress was still very much alive , my social and political lessons tended to recite the advances of the century as a long list of linear progress : the gradual emergence from primitivism to modern civilisation .
17 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
18 That evening I went to see an old friend ( that is , old in years ) in case out of the experience of a long life she might bring forth words of wisdom .
19 I had a feeling when I read those words over 40 years ago , and written in the heat of the aftermath of a long and tiresome period of war , that Sir Arthur might have wished he had put it differently .
20 This is obviously not new , and is in part an expansion of the teaching of a long line of papal encyclicals on social justice beginning with Leo XIII 's Rerum Novarum and extending up to Pope John 's Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris , but there is no possible doubt that the Council , following in this the footsteps of Pope John , gave both a wider range and a new urgency to concerns of this kind as properly constitutive of a very large part of Christian living .
21 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
22 We pause again and swap passenger so that Nathan takes Tony round the edge of the peak into a long and narrow , and steep valley .
23 The importance of Stonyditch Point as the end of the spit for a long period is emphasised by the position of Orford , which was well situated as a port when the Ness ended at Stonyditch Point and not in its present position some miles to the south .
24 She had gone to bed early thinking of the luxury of a long night 's rest but woke from sleep unwell .
25 If the state of the weather over a long sequence of days were observed , and record W or D for each , one could work out how often
26 As such it is part of the legacy of a long tradition of humanist thought which stretches back to fifth-century BC Greece when the first decisive steps towards modern secularism were taken .
27 Jeremy joined us as a Fellow of the Association with a long and distinguished career in the industryand took over at the helm of a dedicated and well-motivated teamat Trinity Road .
28 Australia has been isolated from the rest of the world for a long time and its flora and fauna are unique having evolved on their own without competition from species elsewhere .
29 In Britain these are in a state of flux although there has been much discussion about the role of the inspector over a long period of time .
30 relevant partners , these are existing partners which includes county council and government departments to prepare a report detailing us what assistance can be given to the er , er redevelopment of the site with a long term opportun employment opportunities .
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