Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [prep] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 I Pressed home the usual arguments about duty and not fighting the war for the privilege of going to the cinema .
2 I apologise for the delay in replying to you .
3 I apologise for the delay in replying to you .
4 Ring Brian again and again for the relief of talking to someone in this Lucyless silent world , engaged , engaged , engaged .
5 ( 1 ) For the purpose of bringing to a conclusion any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order and which have not previously been brought to a conclusion , the Chairman or Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions ( but no others ) —
6 If it is the owner of the ship who has shipped the goods one can not force the master of the vessel , who is on board the vessel for the purpose of sailing to its destination , to enter into a charter party because the ship belongs to the merchant shipper .
7 The National Council of the League passed a resolution in March 1933 urging the Labour party and TUC to arrange " a meeting with the representatives of the Co-op movement , the ILP and the CP for the purpose of proposing to them a basis for United Action " .
8 The Leader of the Party in the House of Lords , the Chief Whip in the House of Lords , the chairman of the National Union and the chairman of the Executive of the National Union , together with the president of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Association , will on the Monday attend a meeting of the Executive of the 1922 Committee for the purpose of conveying to them the collective views of the peers in receipt of the Conservative whip , the National Union and the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Association respectively .
9 For this ballot the scrutineers will prepare a ballot paper listing the names of the candidates and give a copy for the purpose of balloting to each Member of the House of Commons in receipt of the Conservative whip .
10 But operating profits improved in the second half and the company can take some credit for the reduction in gearing to just 5 p.c .
11 The regard to the job evaluation budget suggests that our original figure of a hundred thousand pounds is not fully necessary and that can all be reduced to fifty percent , to fifty percent or the equivalent say to fifty thousand pounds and the same goes for the judgement with regard to how you are going to have figure with regard to jobs vacancies .
12 As for the idea of moving to London to get ‘ toughened up ’ , this is laughable .
13 Growing burrs and hooks , reaming her snaggled , sleep-starved nerves , her fretting longed for the relaxation of talking to the one person who had always taken her part : her sister .
14 The recommended swingweight for a lady is from C1 to C8 , for the average man it is from C9 to D4 , and for the professional from DO to D4 .
15 Setting the housing visit date too close to the actual transfer date will result in problems for the employee with regard to renting out property at home , arranging storage for goods left behind and transport for those items that the family intends to bring to Britain .
16 And Jesus does n't just chat to us for the sake of chatting to us , he , when he speaks to us his words have authority , they have input , they are vital and we must pay attention to them .
17 Worse is the sacrifice of theological integrity for the sake of playing to the gallery .
18 Stubbs makes some effort to link the conventions for the use of writing to general linguistic characteristics of writing , but finds it difficult to establish any hard and fast rules since different cultures see different characteristics as significant and so a variety of literacies has been developed .
19 The functional managers are responsible for choosing the right staff , for instructing them and for the result with regard to quality , quantity and cost .
20 Quinn will work himself into the right mood for the game by listening to tapes of his favourite Beatles music beforehand — not that he needs too much extra motivation .
21 We came upon the idea of asking this question as the result of going to a for Change conference .
22 There has been some doubt about the law with regard to traffic-calming measures other than road humps which has meant that authorities have produced traffic-calming schemes but have been left in some doubt as to whether they could be prosecuted for obstructing the highway .
23 Are you looking for the interaction where you learn something about the culture from talking to the people or do you want minimal interaction where simply you visit a place , and you stay in your little bubble or ghetto with people of your own tour company , you do everything together and you never come into contact with local people .
24 It was not until they levelled out that she thought again about the possibility of living to a ripe old age .
25 The same applies to poor Mr Peter Brooke 's weekend remarks about the possibility of talking to Sinn Fein , if and when the IRA renounces the armed struggle .
26 Erm , could you tell me erm something about how you felt about the change of coming to this house , you know whether you enjoyed it ?
27 David was so upset about the prospect of going to a day centre that when the ambulance arrived he had uncharacteristic temper tantrums on the doorstep .
28 Again last week we talked about the feasibility of going to Australia for a week and the impact it would have on you after things like jetlag .
29 Given the validity of this theoretical result , the size and direction of this correlation for existing futures can be used to draw inferences about the effect of marking to the market on futures prices .
30 ‘ At the end of the day , my husband is my best friend , but I could n't get through the day without talking to another woman — men do n't seem to need to air their hopes and fears like we do .
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