Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [conj] say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He thanked Mitch again for the tattoo and said it was lasting pretty well , considering .
2 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
3 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
4 ANC leaders blamed President de Klerk 's government for the massacre and said they would not respond ‘ meekly ’ .
5 Today ex-manager Farrelly claims he is not bitter about the split but says he is annoyed about the things Sinead has said about that period .
6 While this was taking place , the deputy mayor spoke about the tradition and said he was sure Councillor Roland Simpson , who was about to take up his second year of office , would soon be discovered .
7 The MP who went to sea at 14 did not know about the motion and said he appreciated the gesture .
8 I did n't think it was possible for somebody to stand in the middle of the fairway and say it 's an iron of any description .
9 Okay Trevor well let's get that that that hurdle out of the way and say you and I agree that .
10 she comes out of the bush and says she wants a highwayman to take her .
11 The judge complimented Keith on his very professional titling and presentation of the exhibition but said he would have preferred to have judged them loose , before they were hung .
12 Adam set the twelve sherry glasses that were cut in a greek key pattern round their rims in the middle of the moonlight and said he would put them in a box tomorrow and try to sell them in Sudbury to the man who had the antique shop in Gainsborough Street that they had passed .
13 Officials gave no detail of the obstruction but said it was not a fishbone .
14 That was bad enough , but when he told my daughter it started three weeks after they married and lasted until three months ago , she threw him out and she 's changed the locks of the house and says she will divorce him .
15 The thermometer was reading over 100° Centigrade , but Harvey had fiddled with the stove and said it would get hot in a moment .
16 ‘ She came into the van and said she was the new person on the block or whatever — and bang — there she was , ’ Jason recalls .
17 well but the important thing is she 's engaged to be married I would reckon by the time she 's about twenty-six she 'll be looking for time out to have a family but by that time hopefully she 's and when she 's thirty-two or thirty-three can come back into the business and say I 've got a and the door opens that much more easily
18 The gypsies claimed the right to the fair under the charter and said they had obtained the permission of the lord of the manor .
19 Does not he have a powerful point when he says : ’ The new system is run by accountants who do n't have to sit across the table from the patient and say I can not treat you' ’ until the new financial year ?
20 ‘ And there I was waiting for you , in such a state ever since Kukrit came back late from the airport and said he 'd missed you , ’ Jeremy replies , suggesting with automatic but irrelevant chivalry that they are lovers separated from their tryst with one another .
21 Adam got up from the table and said he thought he might go over to Rufus 's .
22 ‘ And all this from the party that said it was the party of low taxation .
23 You are going to decide now , by looking at your graph how you could improve this piece of work and I want you to write the target you decide on , it could be more than one , in the space that says I would improve this work by , you 're to write that now please , off you go and while you 're doing that let's get the register done , shh , shh shh , shh Sarah
24 ‘ It is very evident that since the publication of the paperback the campaign against it has subsided , to such an extent that even one of my most hardline critics , the British Muslim Dr Kalim Siddiqui , was recently quoted in the Guardian as saying it is time to forgive and forget , which is a rather extraordinary volte-face from someone who was until recently asking for my head on a plate .
25 ‘ But at the end of the day , I can look at myself in the mirror and say I gave 100 per cent .
26 I worked in the factory and said it was for fun ; but it was n't — I did it because I needed to . ’
27 ‘ The doctor had visited the man earlier in the day and said he would be back later that night when he thought the pneumonia would have reached its crisis . ’
28 His owner Dick Knowles told Dogs Today : ‘ There 's nothing in the constitution that says you have to be human to be an MP !
29 Charles kept remembering what Micky Banks had gone through at the same stage , and often , like his predecessor , was ready to throw in the towel and say it was impossible .
30 Sometimes I get very cross with the patients , sometimes they , when you 're on call , they ring you up at three in the morning and say they 're constipated !
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