Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun prp] on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 872 an able seaman successfully sued the master of the Mobile on a promise to pay him £40 if he would assist in taking the ship from Port Philip to Bombay with a crew of 19 hands .
2 Sadly , the rest of the EP still sounds like The Sugarcubes on a day off .
3 Among the audience looking at this cleverly designed glamorous collection was Princess Margaret looking very chic in blue , who holidayed with the Weinbergs on a yacht last summer .
4 As part of the economic reform programme , agreement was reached with the IMF on a stabilization fund which could reach $2,000 million , on the rescheduling of Bulgarian debt repayments to Western countries , and on a $250 million loan from the World Bank .
5 It 's claimed he made contact with the KGB on a vacation trip to Moscow during his second year at Oxford ; an argument that certainly does n't wash with Jesse Malkin .
6 The Government believes that no payment of VAT should be required on boats supplied in the UK before 1 April 1973 ( when UK VAT started ) , or on boats imported into the UK on a duty paid basis before that date .
7 Leicestershire is the only county to account for its distributions from the TCCB on a cash as opposed to an accruals basis .
8 In addition , even if it does not have a UK office , a non-UK firm nonetheless needs to be authorised for investment business carried on from a non-UK office with customers or counterparties in the UK on a services basis unless the FSA 's overseas person exemption applies ; this indeed also applies to UK firms ( see page 43 below ) .
9 A good example is the first movement of the D minor Cello Sonata ( Vol. 1 , Disc 2 , track 4 ) , which has seldom been better done , except perhaps by Tortelier and Jean Hubeau on an old Erato disc which surfaced in the UK on a World Record Club LP about 25 years ago , as well as in Erato 's fine box of Fauré chamber music .
10 A few years previously , Melissa had been in the Cévennes on a motoring holiday with her parents-in-law .
11 Suppose that within the five-year term the Government were defeated in the Commons on a topic so important that it regarded it as a matter of confidence in itself .
12 I might have broken my luck had I been able to get over the Alps on a raid to Turin on 11 June .
13 To listen to the Beatles on a Ferguson ‘ 7 transistor ’ portable radio would cost 12 1/2 guineas .
14 Third largest in terms of oil , it has easily the largest gas resources in the Middle East being second only to the USSR on a world scale .
15 Once , months later , when she went to the Regency on a Saturday night with some girlfriends she practically bumped into him on the stairs .
16 Employees of other ‘ foreign ’ railway companies could travel also on the B.C.R. on a Privilege Ticket .
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