Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun prp] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Critical acclaim for The Cranberries has been immediate , enthusiastic and forced upon us not just in Ireland but in Britain too , in quantities so large that entire rain forests quake at the knees at the merest mention of this band 's name .
2 The vote for the SRs had been strong in the Kursk and Poltava gubernii .
3 He claimed that the military significance of Porkkala for the USSR had been similar to that of Guantanamo for the United States .
4 This is particularly the case as the IMF has been open to criticism that it ignores the social impact of its prescriptions , which create hardship and the potential for popular unrest as its free-market measures begin to bite .
5 In the same year Peter Chambers , at West Midlands College , from amidst the ‘ encircling gloom ’ of the colleges of education , and recognizing the CNAA 's own ‘ in-built conservative practices ’ , felt that ‘ the overall impact of the CNAA has been beneficial for the colleges and that its commitment to innovation is a major factor in curriculum innovation within the colleges of education .
6 In the latest training exercise , aircrews with six months experience of the Hercules have been practising cargo drops from just two hundred and fifty feet .
7 None of the ORS perfused were able to reverse the net secretory state for sodium induced by cholera toxinc ( Fig 6 ) ; sodium secretion was greater with UK-ORS ( p<0.002 ) .
8 ‘ Secondly , I 'm afraid the owner of the Delos has been guilty of telling you fibs , Admiral .
9 Data from some of the detailed airborne geophysical surveys made in the early years of the MRP have been digitised .
10 Some of the Trent opens were massive .
11 The history of the allocation of resources within the NHS has been problematic since its establishment .
12 Economic progress within the EEC had been satisfactory .
13 It is quite possible , however , even if her influence within the EEC has been weak , that Britain has nevertheless gained great benefits from her membership .
14 While under Polish rule , the Orthodox hierarchy in the Ukraine had been able to resist the spread of Catholic influence only by adopting many of the methods and some of the ideas characteristic of the Counter-Reformation .
15 This view is espoused by Myers ( 1986 ) , who believes that deforestation in the Himalaya has been responsible for flood disasters in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra and the higher incidence of flooding that has occurred since 1940 ; apparently flooding now affects some 10 6 ha of land as compared with 6 × 10 6 ha in the early 1950s .
16 However , there have been times in the recent past when 50 per cent of the artists selling and succeeding in the USA have been British .
17 • Sales of Scotch Whisky in the UK have been depressed — falling by almost 6% during 1992 and by 30% since 1979 .
18 A recent report by stockbrokers UBS Phillips and Drew ( 1992 ) draws attention to this factor , suggesting that actual rates of depreciation of capital in the UK have been well in excess of official assumptions as to rates of depreciation , aided by an overvalued exchange rate .
19 Firms in the UK have been able to repurchase their shares since the 1981 Companies Act , provided that shareholders are willing to sell and that the firm is left with some issue of share capital following the repurchase .
20 The growth of venture capital funds in the UK has been substantial in the 1980s and is the result of a number of factors .
21 All Factor VIII now supplied in the UK has been heat-treated to kill the virus .
22 For example , we all know that productivity growth in the UK has been inferior to West Germany 's over the post-war decades ; that product development has been behind that of Japan ; and that over many years the rates of growth of South Korea , Italy and East Germany were higher than the United Kingdom 's .
23 Since gaining a scholarship at Stanford University , his progress in the US has been impressive .
24 He said : ‘ Up to now , the Irish-American lobby in the US has been unfocused and largely impotent in relation to the Anglo-Irish conflict .
25 The pot of face relations in the US has been simmering and bubbling furiously , until it finally boiled over and hit the burner .
26 ‘ It should be noted , for instance , that the level of mercury in the Mersey waters is comparable to the EC limit for drinking water .
27 The struggle for unification of the opposition in the Netherlands had been difficult , but at least there a much more substantial commercial class could simultaneously fight the Habsburgs and prevent the outbreak of class war .
28 Never much of an orator , Mr Kohl has not sounded convincing in his calls for solidarity with the Gulf allies ; and his reaction to Soviet bullying in the Baltic has been inept .
29 European interference in the Levant had been evident since the 1840s when representatives of the European powers proposed to the Turks that Lebanon should be partitioned between Christians and Druze .
30 By the early 1980s only a few thousand of the million or so who lived elsewhere in the USSR had been able to return , despite an active campaign on their behalf by dissidents as well as Tatar activists .
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