Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [verb] out of " in BNC.

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1 Already in his first novel , Boccalone ( 1979 ) , widely recognized as the best to come out of the youth movement of the late 1970s , Palandri had shown an extraordinary ability to create sufficient space for his characters , ‘ enrico ’ and ‘ anna ’ and their friends , to speak for themselves without being overwhelmed by the surrounding clutter or by the pretensions of ‘ literature ’ , pretensions from which the narrator keeps his distance : ‘ I do n't want to make big speeches , I never did when I was with anna and I was better off ; I just want to recount incidents and let the rest come out of that , if there actually is anything ’ ( Palandri 1979 : 124 ) .
2 This gleaming gold , buttery-sweet dessert wine is one of the best to come out of Romania .
3 He suggests that the sense of the aesthetic arises out of the extremely rapid and continuous focal comparisons of data made during perception .
4 But early last year , when all three of the latter fell out of the running , Grachev 's way to the defence ministry was unopposed .
5 The Marine paused , as if to allow time for any of the three to speak out of turn .
6 This is in line with the world-wide phasing out of CFCs , found in industrial as well as domestic fridges .
7 In the practical working out of UN policy the UN has to be regarded as a vehicle of American foreign policy ; this was not always the case and the Americans criticised aspects of the functioning of the UN in Korea and especially the attitudes of individual members of UN commissions .
8 Its precise effect on the allocation of investment resources would depend on the detailed working out of the disciplines , and the Treasury certainly took no chances on a complete return to the free market in investment capital .
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