Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] be [be] given " in BNC.

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1 Full details of the NVQs are being given in the CIOB 's continuing series of seminars for centres and other interested organisations .
2 To mark the new trend five floors of the Centre are being given over to a series of exhibitions , films , digital images , sound recordings , debates and theatrical events , tracing the history of artistic creativity over the last thirty years .
3 But tenants taking advantage of the system are being given their marching orders .
4 As the passing of the Bill is being given such high priority , will the Leader of the House guarantee that all the evidence will be put before the Committee — that some of it will not be suppressed , as the Secretary of State suppressed evidence put forward by colleges of further education ?
5 A Chariot of the Sun is being given to you …
6 It is easy but improper to assert , when no other convenient explanation presents itself , that the intentions of the testator are being given full rein .
7 Copies of the charter were being given out during the rush hour at Darlington but connections proved not to be the best with an hour wait for the next train south .
8 By contrast , even those who have spent all of their working lives with Leyland in the UK are being given no more than the minimum provided by the state .
9 Anti-drugs projects in the region are being given a cash boost of around sixty-five thousand pounds .
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