Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [vb mod] go to " in BNC.

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1 Orders for the PDR should go to Williams & Wilkins Ltd , , ( ) .
2 A good deal of credit for the organisation must go to Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber , the French politician and publicist , who established the centre with extraordinary speed .
3 Contrary to some critical comment , he believes that credit for obtaining substantial funding for the scheme should go to the Minister himself , for having taken a personal interest in the scheme .
4 Part of the credit must go to the 225/55 Dunlops , the remainder to the multi-link rear suspension .
5 A great deal of the credit must go to David Coleman .
6 Much of the credit must go to Ibarra Cruz of the University of the Philippines and the head of the national non-conventional energy centre .
7 Partly this is due to better treatment , but the lion 's share of the credit must go to the invention of the smear test , which means that small growths can be picked up and destroyed before they get out of hand .
8 Should he take over the Barrington mantle , a small part of the credit will go to the ‘ old master ’ , admits Marshall .
9 Although the company has a plant in London , it is expected some of the work will go to the company 's French factories .
10 In our view , the advertising award of the decade should go to the brain who thought up the series of anti-smoking television adverts which did not even mention lung cancer , but drew attention to the fact that smoking gives you bad breath .
11 Most of the benefits would go to people and properties in Berkshire .
12 A large slice of the takings will go to the arts , heritage , sport , charities and a fund to celebrate the Year 2000 .
13 Under new disputes procedures , ( i ) competition cases would be handled by the EC Commission and the ECJ if they involved companies from both the EC and EFTA ( and by EFTA only if they concerned only EFTA companies ) ; ( ii ) disagreements over the operation of the EEA would go to a joint EEA political committee , with either party having the right to seek binding arbitration if the issue were unresolved ; and ( iii ) the ECJ would have sole powers to rule on the interpretation of EEA laws , while EFTA courts would give their " best endeavours " to comply with such rulings .
14 The biggest shares of the cost would go to cleaning up and limiting acidification ( to which Dutch soils are among the most vulnerable in Europe ) and disposing of wastes .
15 Every time Banyan sells an operating system , some of the money will go to Novell .
16 As part of the Minister 's continued opposition to settlements , can he say how the British Government , as a member of the troika , will discharge their responsibilities under the recent protocol signed with Israel and the European Economic Community to ensure that none of the money will go to any Israeli projects with any connection with settlements on the west bank or Gaza ?
17 He said most of the money will go to the local branch of a cancer charity .
18 Initial volumes of the processor will go to Sun , with smaller numbers going to unidentified vendors on Sparc International 's Executive Committee .
19 I asked the right hon. and learned Gentleman whether he knew that his right hon. Friend the Leader of the Opposition would go to Luigi 's restaurant and say what he said about phasing .
20 Mr Brooke , who still has to decide on the age limit for lottery punters , would not reveal how big a portion of the cash will go to the Inland Revenue .
21 The book gives many insights into elephant behaviour , as part of the royalties will go to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust .
22 A special Hexagonale session in Venice on Nov. 30 , without the participation of Yugoslavia ( which was a member ) , decided that the presidency of the organization would go to Austria as of January 1992 , rather than Yugoslavia , and that in future , the Hexagonale would attempt co-operation with the " Yugoslav nations " .
23 All the profits from the sale of the tape will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society .
24 Certainly , the enlightened medical-research award of the future should go to any researcher who has the wit to do further investigation into the connection between smoking and the complexion .
25 The senior Garda officer said a file on the allegation against the priest would go to the Director of Public Prosecutions , Eamon Barnes .
26 The £3m or so net of expenses that it expects from the placing will go to eliminating existing bank loans , which stood at £952,200 on November 13 , with the balance going for working capital .
27 The leads from the stop-watch would go to a box containing a small battery which in its turn would be connected to a flash bulb at the base of the bomb .
28 The proceeds from the sale will go to the people who suffered financial loss .
29 Proceeds from the show will go to the American Indian College Fund , an organisation seeking to ensure native Americans have access to higher education .
30 All the proceeds from the concert will go to the local Cinderford Forge Appeal for the Blind .
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