Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [pron] [vb mod] to " in BNC.

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1 As for the hair which used to be trimmed by a top London stylist and had swung in a smooth shoulder-skimming bob , it had not been cut for months and was now bundled unceremoniously on to the top of her head .
2 Come on , if they 're asleep during the day they ought to be woken up .
3 As a result , ‘ governmental assemblies , whose chief activities were of the kind which ought to be limited by law , became able to command whatever they pleased simply by calling their commands ‘ law ’ ' .
4 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
5 They do n't take so much notice of the things we used to , like fidelity and so on . ’
6 So , he 's only had the same length of time doing this as you have so , by the end of the afternoon you ought to be in the position to print out a really neat final version of of of the letter .
7 In this chapter we can only suggest some of the factors which ought to be considered in beginning to think of answers to them .
8 Her face was thinner , not altogether a good thing , and she 'd had her hair coloured too , a sort of pale version of the colour it used to be .
9 Much of the labour which used to be involved in manipulating and presenting data can now be delegated to specialised computer software but the basic issues of coding and structuring data still depend on the skills of the analyst .
10 Do they ever hold anything down like the way they used to children 's parties at Christmas and , and ?
11 Nor do I think they will be able to charge anything like the premium they used to ; in fact , it 's debatable whether they 'll be able to charge a premium at all . ’
12 and I 'm not convinced , I am not convinced that they , that they are anywhere near the standard they used to be when they were last in Europe a few seasons ago
13 Among the ‘ lower caste ’ people , the woman 's role had always been rather different from her role in the farming castes ; now ‘ lower caste ’ women worked increasingly in the fields alongside the men and this led , according to Mamdani , to ‘ a radical change … in the attitude towards girl children … low caste families do not look upon the birth of a girl with the disfavour they used to ’ — though ‘ to a certain extent the disfavour persists because the girl will marry and emigrate precisely when she has reached the age of greatest productivity ’ .
14 Though not with the confidence I used to .
15 Yes , cos they usually all water underneath there and that used to be pumped out , every so often the engine room would pump all that out and to heat any water up the cabins there used to be a , a small pump what used to pump the fresh water into the boiler and I used to have a a piece of er copper off that and just turn the steam on a little bit put it into a bucket of cold water and then instead of driving the pump that 'd go into the , the er bucket and heat the water and boil it .
16 Electric immersion heater , er , ah , oh of course we had an Ideal boiler under there and it , that 's what heated this kitchen actually an Ideal boiler and it heated the water in the winter and also heated the , and in the summer we let that out and had an immersion heater , well being in the electrical trade we had an immersion heater all the time and if we wanted to top up from the boiler we used to just put the immersion heater on for a erm week or so and get hot water and then let it go off in the winter time , you know , but er we have n't made a great deal of alteration to this place really , we 've put a new front door on fairly recently , that was one of the things that er was very ugly , they , the back of the front of the doors to look at , ooh they were ugly doors
17 Going out to tea always seemed to her a waste of time , but to refuse might have seemed churlish , and she knew that in the country one ought to be friends with one 's neighbours .
18 In the UK there used to be two taxes that tax wealth per se rather than the income that is derived from wealth .
19 Perhaps it is n't necessary to explain things in the way I used to .
20 Well in the winter we used to like it like that , but in the summer we used to got the old fashioned cooler we used to run over there
21 Oh there used to be a lot of s er entertainment coming round the streets there used to be er gentlemen as coming round singing .
22 Her only way of coping with her over-identification with my situation was to try to reassert control over the child I used to be and prevent the cycle repeating itself .
23 Why do n't we go back to the way we used to be ?
24 I want to hope that I 'm being melodramatic and everything will settle back to the way it used to be , before all this ghastliness , but I doubt it .
25 ‘ I 'll just bet she was some broad he used to be in love with or something , and he 's been giving her the brush-off while she 's trying to fan the embers , get back to the way it used to be . ’
26 Well they usually out out of the er hydrant on the quay cos the hydrant on the quay there used to be a water main a the water main used to go along there and we used to put so much water into the boat and now we come down and used to pump that out and then go back after some more .
27 " Unless it 's bolted on the inside we ought to be able to get in with these , " he said .
28 That 's instead of er clipping them on , they used to b instead of clipping them on the back you used to rope at front and one at back see .
29 There was a a lot of shops on and then as across the road there used to be a Road and there used to be a lot of shops there .
30 It 's like a a rou round disc that screwed on and as that wore at the back you used to just slacken the screw slightly and turn it round until a little bit more of it wore and then you turn it round again until the whole thing was worn down .
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