Example sentences of "[prep] a long [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a long while of silence he unlocked his arms from her .
2 After a long session of testing , Alex became increasingly crotchety and unco-operative and , in one marvellous sequence captured on video-tape , after a tiring day at the office the parrot says : ‘ I 'm going to go away ’ .
3 After a long day of presentations , the angels and the businessmen finally get together in the traditional way .
4 Nothing is known as to what has happened in Switzerland , but it does appear that in the United States , after a long course of litigation , the attempts have failed .
5 But when he returned to the ministry in 1913 , after a long spell of service in Rome , a great deal had changed .
6 The secretary of the planning committee that examined the project was an MI6 officer called George Blake who had recently returned to England after a long spell of captivity in Korea .
7 His reappearance after a long night of uncertainty prompted scenes of rejoicing among Palestinians around the Middle East .
8 Even the greatest of God 's servants , after a long lifetime of trust and obedience , can fall .
9 Thus the death of Catherine I of Russia in 1727 and the changes it produced in Russian policy in the Baltic brought about a reconciliation with Britain after a long period of antagonism ; the death in 1762 of the Empress Elizabeth meant Russia 's immediate withdrawal from the Seven Years War ; and the accession to the throne of Frederick II was an essential preliminary to the Prussian attack on Silesia in 1740 .
10 What distinguishes the companies still with us after a long period of recession is that they are lucky — they do not seem to have been hit by the unexpected .
11 After a long period of deliberation , during which Craganour 's owner Charles Bower Ismay was seen to become ever more pale , the official announcement was given : the race went to Aboyeur .
12 After a long period of depression , and a short period of training , he had taken on a new career — one which also demanded dexterity with the hands : that of a mortician .
13 Finally , from whatever defence line was established and after a long period of mobilization , Nato 's forces ( presumably mostly Anglo-American ) would launch the great counter-offensive .
14 It said ‘ Many of the smaller hard drives available , especially old ones , use Stepper Motor actuators and it is these that really require that a low level format be carried out on them at least once a year , as after a long period of heating and cooling it is more than possible that the heads are out of alignment with the tracks .
15 It is only after a long period of counselling that she has at last realised that she has to drop her charge against her father , and to forgive him for not being the person that she longed he should be .
16 And subsequently after a long period of time , the opinions of our members generally was that we should change the , the procedure .
17 Starting a trip that was once only the stuff of his dreams and prayers , the Pontiff said Lithuanians could now enjoy freedom ‘ after a long period of sufferings , trials and martyrdom . ’
18 1976 ) , is being revived after a long period of disrepute .
19 Or , again , a new discovery might be arrived at after a long series of observations and calculations , as exemplified by Kepler 's discoveries of his laws of planetary motion .
20 The second concerns a love for God which is a gift and has nothing to do with learning ( c.5-7 ) ; this itself has two aspects covering that which is experienced sporadically by both actives and contemplatives , and a stabler devotion given after a long process of discipline in which the contemplative feels a " grete rest of bodie and of soule " ( 7.282a. – 81 ) .
21 It was like the sun coming out after a long time of darkness .
22 People vary in their ability to revert to being outgoing , social creatures after a long time of semi-confinement to the house .
23 The secret of a long day of battle was fitting the components together : the state of caution ; the state of preparedness ; the state of uncaring action ; the state of elation ; the state of waiting ; so that each stage matched the others in sureness and strength , with every thread of body and mind strung to its finest pitch ready to sing to the touch , from one night 's sleep until the next , or until death itself .
24 A curious picture was forming in his mind — of a long thread of cotton with the black slaves on one end and himself and the rest of the children on the other .
25 Both men were bound over to keep the peace , but the incident was the beginning of a long history of misbehaviour which was to drive a wedge between Gallacher and the unfortunate clubs who tried to tame his wayward spirit .
26 ‘ The hammer ’ , Hortensia said , ‘ is actually a ruddy great cannon-ball on the end of a long bit of wire , and the thrower whisks it round and round his or her head faster and faster and then lets it go .
27 A. G. Dickens , in particular , has consistently maintained that the anti-clerical tracts of lawyers such as Simon Fish and Christopher St German were not merely isolated examples of lay hostility to the church , totally unrepresentative of public opinion , but on the contrary part of a long tradition of anti-clericalism among the literate classes , and most especially London merchants , common lawyers , parliamentarians , and royal officials .
28 However this may be , it is both the climax of a long tradition of minstrelsy and in part , perhaps in large part , the work of a poet of considerable accomplishment .
29 Pipe cutters consist of a long pair of handles , with a very heavy bicycle-chain-type construction with cutting wheels in the centre .
30 Her favourite scene was the sequence of Susan , partially concussed , menacing Ian with the points of a long pair of scissors , threatening to stab him until she gives in and vents her rage instead on the mattress of her bed .
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