Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] or in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those at the edges of a stand or in an exposed position were excluded .
2 Every utensil or pan used on top of a stove or in an oven is subjected to dry heat which effects disinfection irrespective of any other process .
3 If you want to talk to gardeners it 's cheaper to address them on the gardening page of a newspaper or in a specialist gardening magazine than on television .
4 The first owner of the right is the designer unless the design is created in pursuance of a commission or in the course of employment in which cases the commissioner or the employer respectively are the first owners of the right , subject to any written agreement to the contrary .
5 In such circumstances it is not surprising that the State is actually worshipped either in the person of a ruler or in a god which it incarnates .
6 Seconds deducted from a rider 's overall time , generally as a reward for places in sprints at the end of a stage or in the intermediate ‘ primes ’ , sometimes called ‘ rushes ’ .
7 And he added , even more pointedly , ‘ BHS dressage techniques do n't help much on the side of a mountain or in a peat bog . ’
8 Nowadays there are still tourist boats taking visitors to see Cabo Girâo or Machico or to swim in the sheltered coves , but Madeira now has a fine road network stretching to every small hamlet , whether it be on the top of a mountain or in the bottom of a valley .
9 You know , er given enough time and preparation and if we define clearly what it is that we want to analyze , you know I can provide that information er in the form of a report or in a rawish state and we could discuss that .
10 On the DEC PDP-10 computer , subroutine call instructions are provided for saving the return address either in the first location of a subroutine or in an accumulator ; but it also has call and return instructions which treat a specified area of store as a return address stack , in a manner similar to that described earlier in this section .
11 By the late neolithic , Knossian house plans had become quite elaborate , with square fireplaces set against a wall or in the centre of the room , and with neighbouring dwellings juxtaposed to make a cellular layout familiar in Early Minoan villages such as Fournou Korifi ( Myrtos ) and the temples that were to be built in the Middle Minoan .
12 ‘ Fell asleep behind a wall or in a shed . ’
13 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
14 It 's daft , it says a girl 's always got to wear grey if she works behind a counter or in a business 'ouse or as an 'otel clerk .
15 In toxic shock syndrome in burnt children specific treatment entails the use of intravenous human immunoglobulin , either as a concentrate or in the form of fresh frozen plasma or whole blood .
16 Lung cancer , which contributed most to the excess seen in the MRC trial , was not more common in clinic patients as a whole or in the subgroup taking atenolol ( table VI ) .
17 The net can be positioned either as a box or in an approximate circle around the warren site .
18 Your doctor may be able to recommend an osteopath or chiropractor , or you may be able to find one through a friend or in the Yellow Pages .
19 Would I rather exercise alone , with a friend or in a group ?
20 But the world of 1806 was to Captain Marryat what the world of 1935 is to us , at this moment , a middling sort of place , where there is nothing out of the way in a sailor with a pigtail or in a bumboat woman volleying hoarse English .
21 You may as well sleep under a hedge or in a doorway , and get arrested for being a vagrant , and get put in jail where you 'll be treated like muck but at any rate it 'll be warm and you 'll be made to have a bath .
22 Thus a fifth-century Thessalian inscription uses the phrase ‘ whether under a tagia or in an atagia ’ , that is , whether there is or is not a tagos ( Syll. 55 and ZPE , 1980 , p. 272 ) .
23 You hire a room above a pub or in a community centre and hand out invitations to all your friends .
24 Now , so , the name of the actual Act of Parliament is Sale of Goods Act er and that 's the law that gives you and me and everybody in Britain our basic rights every time we buy something from a shop or in a sale or a market stall or by post through a mail order catalogue .
25 Whether in London , Abu Dhabi or Al Ain , in a hotel or in the desert I searched for times of quiet as a starving man searches for food .
26 If you live in a bungalow or in a mobile home , you should fix an alarm in a corridor between the living and sleeping areas .
27 The public clock , whether installed in a church or in a town square , was only an intermittent reminder of the passage of time , but a domestic clock or a watch was a continually visible indicator .
28 Highly strung horses do better in loose boxes ( stables ) either in a barn or in a yard
29 John Wesley preached at North Cave in 1761 , probably in a barn or in the open air .
30 This point , incidentally , when made in a discussion or in a group , makes the upholder of the view that there is no basic antagonism and hostility in human relationships very angry indeed !
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