Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] and in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , p has all the values of a probability and in the situation where all investors are risk averse it can be shown that it is equal to the probability with which we started .
2 This was the plan I laid down , and the first time I had occasion to try it in practice was the Summer before the last [ 1774 ] & I then did it in the case of a Lady and in the hottest weather : the next Body I tried these experiments upon was Jan y .
3 Durham Cathedral stands vast , an enormous monument , virtually of a piece and in an incredible position , with the river running round it and steep banks . ’
4 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
5 In this movement , Hegel saw the very rhythm of reality itself , both as a whole and in every part , and also the dynamics of knowledge and understanding by which the initial gulf between subject and object is bridged in genuine synthesis , the act of cognition .
6 This informative book is presented in five chapters each discussing an important environmental , or ecological issue in the former USSR as a whole and in the Union Republics and selected regions in the country .
7 The skill can be learned as a whole and in the same sequence as normally performed in practice .
8 The case for the plaintiff was argued on four bases : ( a ) The verb " practice " in the relevant clause had to be construed in the context of the agreement as a whole and in the proper factural matrix .
9 We now start our study of the economy as a whole and in the remainder of the book we consider many of the world 's most pressing macroeconomic problems — problems like persistent unemployment , rapid inflation , balance of payments difficulties , economic stagnation and unequal distributions of income and wealth .
10 He stuck by Wallace a while , but he too has had regular spells as a sub and in the reserves too .
11 This bald statement conceals much dispute about the exact relation between a cause and its effect , about the right way to define ‘ cause ’ , and about the nature of causality , both as a concept and in the world .
12 John Hey 's eldest son , Melling ( 1808–65 ) , was described as a fancy weaver when his elder children were baptised between 1836 and 1842 , but when his last child was baptised in 1846 he was working as a labourer and in the 1851 census returns his occupation was given as groom .
13 He was educated privately and at Columbia Law School , and worked as a lawyer and in the family estates before entering the New York State Assembly as a Republican in 1877 .
14 Hippocrates canvassed oil obtained by the destructive distillation of amber for asthma , as a stimulant and in the form of a liniment for the chest .
15 For example , if you say , ‘ I feel really angry that you did n't turn up yesterday ’ with a smile and in a faint voice , it is unlikely the person will believe you .
16 At length , with a sigh and in a conversational tone which did not match Dr Dunstaple 's oratory for effect , he observed : " Dr Dunstaple is quite wrong to suggest that there is an accepted treatment for cholera .
17 ‘ These make women feel comfortable with a man and in the mood for making love , ’ he said .
18 In 1692 Bart took more than 100 prizes into St Malo within a year and in the following year , with three frigates from Dunkirk , he made three destructive raids into the North Sea , spreading panic as far as Newcastle .
19 Warner and Wallis would have judged that the time was ripe for a film about human justice , that there would be a market for a film depicting the problems of a strike in a coal-town and in an ethnic community , and that any criticism of the subject-matter would either be good for business or would be offset by popular and critical acclaim for the acting of that increasingly marketable star Paul Muni .
20 Mind you , I will say that when I explained things to her she was up and into her jumper and jeans in a flash and in no time at all we were hammering down the road towards Carlisle .
21 Caput is the more obvious section , with the Serpent 's Head made up of Beta , Gamma ( 3.8 ) and Kappa ( 4.1 ) , arranged in a triangle and in the same × 7 field .
22 ‘ It is in a valley and in a highly populated area . ’
23 [ L ] aws [ are ] authoritative directives that impose costs and benefits on participants in a transaction and in the process alter incentives … [ essentially therefore the making of laws is not costless ] … their drafting and enforcement require [ the use of ] real resources and involve the trading-off of certain costs and benefits to determine given policy objectives .
24 With hindsight it is clear that left-wing opponents planned to disrupt the meeting , for over 1,000 anti-fascists were involved in a counter-demonstration and in the systematic attempts to wreck the occasion .
25 In this case the developer would probably say to the local authority , I want this site and it 's all or nothing , which then puts the local authority in a dilemma and in the sense its allocated sites are now seen to be some form second status .
26 The apparatus was operated remotely in a vacuum and in a temperature-controlled chamber .
27 We thank you , Lord , that you are in control of our households ; that Jesus knew the joys and sadnesses of living in a family and in a community of people and families in the same street and town .
28 Although people feared for their jobs in the wake of the CNAA threat to withdraw blanket validation from the Polytechnic in 1980 , there was also a sense of relief that the problems had now been stated in a form and in a language which our masters would find difficult to ignore .
29 He then came to Britain , where he worked on a farm and in a Blackburn cotton mill .
30 This continued until a drop-off in the number of pedestrians was found and was then recorded on a graph and in a table .
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