Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] that it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The future of Britain 's longest running chart show , Top Of The Pops , was in doubt tonight after a report that it was to be axed .
2 It is not an inherent characteristic of a legislature that it is ‘ sovereign ’ , as the above quality is commonly described .
3 Why should one want to say of a myth that it is ‘ symbolically true ’ if it is a sexist myth ?
4 But if the electorate is indeed of a mind that it is ‘ time for a change ’ , then it should consider carefully just what sort of change it would be letting itself in for .
5 While it can never be legitimately said of a theory that it is true , it can hopefully be said that it is the best available , that it is better than anything that has come before .
6 It can never be said of a theory that it is true , however well it has withstood rigorous tests , but it can hopefully be said that a current theory is superior to its predecessors in the sense that it is able to withstand tests that falsified those predecessors .
7 ‘ When I got back and found your note I did n't think for a minute that it was because you thought I was the father of the child .
8 Even if the accident does not seem serious at the time , but you think it might have some ill-effect in the future you should apply to the DSS for a decision that it was an industrial accident .
9 But the gap between Christ and the eating not only emphasizes the vegetation , but makes it seem for a moment that it is the plants which are devoured :
10 He forgot for a moment that it was pot and thought of nicotine , and then of cancer , cells in delirium , the inroads that living would make one day even on this varnished little icon of the exempt : the flab of tiredness , children , overwork , sitting up too late at night listening to people , indulging buoyant childish appetites as a device to sustain good nature against foreshadows of the senile self .
11 ‘ The police know for a fact that it was started deliberately . ’
12 Therefore , the unwillingness of policemen to define their role in these terms does not show itself in a failure to perform these duties but as a judgement that it is ‘ really ’ the work of others .
13 He made an elaborate pretence of yawning ( as a signal that it was bedtime ) .
14 These limits have given rise to thorny debate in at least two areas which serve as a reminder that it is not only nonhuman animals which are put at risk :
15 For example , when a child is playing so destructively with a toy that it is likely to break , if the natural consequence occurs and the toy breaks , the child is able to learn from the outcome of his/her actions .
16 The information concerning the board 's investigation was also imparted to the Bank expressly on terms that it was highly sensitive and with a request that it be kept confidential .
17 Fear of encroachments by the government or the armed forces on the liberty of the subject , coupled with a feeling that it was unjust that one particular group should be singled out for treatment in this way , combined to defeat all such suggestions .
18 Once he was in power , this alternative view would argue , his policies were more consistent with a belief that it was still feasible to salvage some kind of organic link between France and Algeria than with a belief in the inevitability of complete rupture .
19 However , although these five writers belonged to a minority group in their society , and although they say that their experience derives from a source greater than human reason can comprehend , they are fired with a certainty that it is intimately related to the deepest needs and purposes of human being , and has about it the simple inevitability of fulfilment .
20 He was seized with a certainty that it was his own son .
21 In his later development of the 12-tone system Schoenberg illustrates the second , rationalist modernist ideal-type , in a sense that it is quite clear that the new order is a created and posited ordering .
22 Over and above that we think in a sense that it 's a series of disabilities , of intellectual functioning , and although it 's not by any means proven , we think that these are probably constitutional in origin .
23 it it , it never worked in a sense that it was n't commercially viable
24 So you can see what you go into the master bedroom there 's a man and a woman in bed , is n't it obvious in a second that it 's not that it 's Mr and Mrs ?
25 Is n't it obvious in a second that it 's not it 's Mr and Mrs ?
26 So you 're sort of right in a way that it 's two sine squared X but this wrong .
27 Either way , in later life he looked back on that experience as evidence that dancing could be part of everyday life in a way that it is not for most Europeans .
28 At its worst , the life of faith is portrayed in a way that it is tantamount to spiritual repression .
29 There is no doubt that officialdom in Brussels turns a blind eye to anti-competitive behaviour by state-owned industries in a way that it is not prepared to do for private companies .
30 Erm I , I think it was er you know a good thing that in a way that it was parted and made er staff , you know , training officer and business you know , sort of thing .
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