Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [v-ing] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 After a time teaching in a Scottish school , Fettes , the degree got him a fellowship in mathematics at his own college of Magdalene ; where he remained the rest of his long life — teaching mathematics , holding various college offices , going every week to Emmanuel Congregational chapel , and becoming after a time one of its deacons or church officers .
2 A second before she slept she caught sight of a windsurfer falling in the far distance .
3 Chapter 17 is a synthetic case study of a board meeting in a small engineering company , illustrating some of the pitfalls attending management decisions .
4 As a result of a chance meeting in a Blackpool bar with a student journalist , I was featured in National Student in an article about disabled students .
5 ‘ Will it be with the Student Communist Party or Opus Dei ? ’ — both risks springing to the mind of a parent living in an ancient university city .
6 I thought he had probably made an arrangement with a brothel-keeper , and sometimes I pictured him clinging to the branch of a tree peering in the darkness through the window of some schoolgirls ' dormitory .
7 In an unsigned editorial it tried to explain it by saying that there were too many explicit photographs of homosexual acts in the book ( Mapplethorpe takes pictures of oral sex , of a man pissing in the mouth of his partner and of men buggering each other in various ways , including with a fist ) , and that the authors had therefore not left enough space for his more restful images , such as his ‘ superb studies of people and flowers ’ , which the author of the editorial obviously sees as representing Mapplethorpe 's angelic side .
8 It was a subjective , not an objective view ; but it happened to be the attitude of a man living in the kingdom which harboured Mary Queen of Scots .
9 From the conference of Berchtesgaden in November 1937 to the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938 , from the increasingly threatening noises over Czechoslovakia in March 1938 to the abdication of Munich in September 1938 , from the last-ditch , desperate attempts to cobble together a tripartite agreement in May 1939 to the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939 , there was a sense of deathly inevitability compared to which Nizan 's repeated calls for collective security appear as no more than the efforts of a man crying in the wilderness .
10 The first body I saw was that of a man lying in a gutter in Raouche , his arms wrapped around his face , one leg hooked above the pavement .
11 The first is that the possibility of a revolution occurring in a country where capitalism was poorly developed made him aware of the problem of setting up too rigid a sequence for human evolution .
12 Sound effects , too , are usually library material , or produced by one of a small group of specialists who know precisely how to reproduce , for example , the sound of a caterpillar dancing in a bowl of bird seed .
13 ( In comparison , the risk of a person dying in a traffic accident is 1 in 10,000 , and the risk of dying in a fire or a gas explosion at home is 1 in 1,000,000 . )
14 They are identified also with the image of a serpent appearing in the rock art of the area .
15 When he heard of a Kaiser talking in an after-dinner speech about ‘ my friend the Sultan ’ he was astonished , and could have rent his garments .
16 There 's always the danger of a guest landing in a heap on those boulders .
17 The symmetry P means that the laws are the same for any situation and its mirror image ( the mirror image of a particle spinning in a right-handed direction is one spinning in a left-handed direction ) .
18 Mr. Collins said that any person whose interest are directly affected by a decision of a body acting in the public domain must ordinarily be given the opportunity of knowing what is alleged against him and of making representations to the decision taker .
19 In contrast to the glamour of television stars featured in the earlier story , this one focused on the alleged exploits of a family living in a council house in rural England .
20 In Pakistan , it is common to find three generations of a family living in the same house perhaps together with aunts , uncles and cousins .
21 Wordsworth also gives a description of a family spinning in the sunshine in The Brothers , but the Lake District has a higher than average rainfall and in wet and windy weather spinners no doubt sought shelter where it was available .
22 This clever and inventive suggestion makes sense of the otherwise inexplicable presence of a fringe hanging in the air between the two figures .
23 Equally bad from the point of view of damp exclusion in the circumstance of a breach appearing in the roof surface , and even worse in terms of the restrictions it places on the opportunities for salvaging slates in any wholesale reconditioning of the roof covering , is the arrangement in which the slates are nailed directly to boarding , no fixing battens having been incorporated .
24 Mr Walton is a captain of a ship sailing in the ice flows of the Atlantic Ocean when he meets Frankenstein who is , at that point , searching for his hideous creation .
25 Hers had an embroidered picture of a lamb standing in a field of flowers with yellow light sprouting out from around its head .
26 a bit of a pain shaving in the shower though .
27 She heard the sound of a key turning in the lock and she sat , the hand holding her pen motionless above the paper , hardly breathing as she strained to catch the slightest of sounds from below .
28 Charles Muscatine wrote memorably of the fulfilment of a " " fabliau entelechy " " in this tale : an actualization in the course of the fabliau of a potential residing in the elements of its composition from the start .
29 There was the sound of a carriage arriving in the street .
30 There seemed to be part of a beam missing in the area .
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