Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [coord] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those at the edges of a stand or in an exposed position were excluded .
2 Hence , p has all the values of a probability and in the situation where all investors are risk averse it can be shown that it is equal to the probability with which we started .
3 Every utensil or pan used on top of a stove or in an oven is subjected to dry heat which effects disinfection irrespective of any other process .
4 This was the plan I laid down , and the first time I had occasion to try it in practice was the Summer before the last [ 1774 ] & I then did it in the case of a Lady and in the hottest weather : the next Body I tried these experiments upon was Jan y .
5 If you want to talk to gardeners it 's cheaper to address them on the gardening page of a newspaper or in a specialist gardening magazine than on television .
6 The first owner of the right is the designer unless the design is created in pursuance of a commission or in the course of employment in which cases the commissioner or the employer respectively are the first owners of the right , subject to any written agreement to the contrary .
7 In such circumstances it is not surprising that the State is actually worshipped either in the person of a ruler or in a god which it incarnates .
8 Seconds deducted from a rider 's overall time , generally as a reward for places in sprints at the end of a stage or in the intermediate ‘ primes ’ , sometimes called ‘ rushes ’ .
9 And he added , even more pointedly , ‘ BHS dressage techniques do n't help much on the side of a mountain or in a peat bog . ’
10 Nowadays there are still tourist boats taking visitors to see Cabo Girâo or Machico or to swim in the sheltered coves , but Madeira now has a fine road network stretching to every small hamlet , whether it be on the top of a mountain or in the bottom of a valley .
11 You know , er given enough time and preparation and if we define clearly what it is that we want to analyze , you know I can provide that information er in the form of a report or in a rawish state and we could discuss that .
12 On the DEC PDP-10 computer , subroutine call instructions are provided for saving the return address either in the first location of a subroutine or in an accumulator ; but it also has call and return instructions which treat a specified area of store as a return address stack , in a manner similar to that described earlier in this section .
13 Durham Cathedral stands vast , an enormous monument , virtually of a piece and in an incredible position , with the river running round it and steep banks . ’
14 By the late neolithic , Knossian house plans had become quite elaborate , with square fireplaces set against a wall or in the centre of the room , and with neighbouring dwellings juxtaposed to make a cellular layout familiar in Early Minoan villages such as Fournou Korifi ( Myrtos ) and the temples that were to be built in the Middle Minoan .
15 ‘ Fell asleep behind a wall or in a shed . ’
16 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
17 It 's daft , it says a girl 's always got to wear grey if she works behind a counter or in a business 'ouse or as an 'otel clerk .
18 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
19 In toxic shock syndrome in burnt children specific treatment entails the use of intravenous human immunoglobulin , either as a concentrate or in the form of fresh frozen plasma or whole blood .
20 Lung cancer , which contributed most to the excess seen in the MRC trial , was not more common in clinic patients as a whole or in the subgroup taking atenolol ( table VI ) .
21 In this movement , Hegel saw the very rhythm of reality itself , both as a whole and in every part , and also the dynamics of knowledge and understanding by which the initial gulf between subject and object is bridged in genuine synthesis , the act of cognition .
22 This informative book is presented in five chapters each discussing an important environmental , or ecological issue in the former USSR as a whole and in the Union Republics and selected regions in the country .
23 The skill can be learned as a whole and in the same sequence as normally performed in practice .
24 The case for the plaintiff was argued on four bases : ( a ) The verb " practice " in the relevant clause had to be construed in the context of the agreement as a whole and in the proper factural matrix .
25 We now start our study of the economy as a whole and in the remainder of the book we consider many of the world 's most pressing macroeconomic problems — problems like persistent unemployment , rapid inflation , balance of payments difficulties , economic stagnation and unequal distributions of income and wealth .
26 He stuck by Wallace a while , but he too has had regular spells as a sub and in the reserves too .
27 This bald statement conceals much dispute about the exact relation between a cause and its effect , about the right way to define ‘ cause ’ , and about the nature of causality , both as a concept and in the world .
28 John Hey 's eldest son , Melling ( 1808–65 ) , was described as a fancy weaver when his elder children were baptised between 1836 and 1842 , but when his last child was baptised in 1846 he was working as a labourer and in the 1851 census returns his occupation was given as groom .
29 He was educated privately and at Columbia Law School , and worked as a lawyer and in the family estates before entering the New York State Assembly as a Republican in 1877 .
30 Hippocrates canvassed oil obtained by the destructive distillation of amber for asthma , as a stimulant and in the form of a liniment for the chest .
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