Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] [noun] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even dishevelled as after a slight struggle and with his arms firmly gripped by two impassive policemen , he looked elegantly in control of the situation .
2 There may be deadlock and paralysis , but the government that will eventually take office will emerge after protracted bargaining between the parties in Parliament after a general election and without any reference to the electors and their wishes .
3 Similarly , do not have a hot bath after a heavy meal or after drinking alcohol — the same thing could happen .
4 You may even feel your skin crawling after a difficult meeting or with the impact of crowds of people .
5 Usually , but not always , this will be the result of a clogged trap or of grease built up on the inside of the waste branch pipe and is relatively easy to deal with .
6 France now offered Germany a road to the future not as part of a German-Soviet alliance or as an American bastion in Europe , but as part of a European entity .
7 Blandin was both the first woman and the first Green president of a regional council and at 39 was the youngest to be elected .
8 Harry would have felt inclined to dismiss it as the invention of a hysterical mind but for the fact that Mrs Diamond 's mind was clearly anything but hysterical .
9 Silence fell immediately , a silence only made more absolute by the sound of a distant cannon and by the gurgling of rainwater .
10 The adoption , for instance , of Darwinian views of evolution depended not simply on the intellectual breakthrough of a brilliant mind but on the conjuncture of social movements that made these propositions more acceptable then than they might have been at other periods .
11 No , I can only think , I think there was one game where he was available , but , he was a sort of a late availability and by that time we already had
12 Did he speak of a recent row or of serious friction with anyone ? ’
13 The same pH may be given by a very small quantity of a strong acid or by a much larger quantity of a weak acid or a mixture of such an acid with its salts .
14 It was certainly a convincing win but the warning signs were already there for all to see : despite the forwards winning a barrel-load of good possession , the Scottish three-quarters failed to score a single try at home in front of a vociferous support and against a decrepit Welsh side .
15 It was certainly much wider than the definition required by the local authority for an official notification of a violent incident or by the police for pressing charges of actual bodily harm .
16 In particular , if you have disposed of liability either by virtue of a split trial or on a Summons for judgment , there is a powerful argument in favour of your having your costs to that date .
17 ( FCA ) of , having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( ii ) in that he in Southport between 1 January 1982 and 24 May 1990 failed to deal properly and promptly with the affairs of a former client and in that he in Southport between 25 May 1990 and 15 August 1990 failed to deal properly and promptly with professional enquiries from registered accountants in respect of a former client and having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(d) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iii ) in that he in Southport between 6 November 1991 and 29 June 1992 failed to satisfy a judgement of the County Court in the sum of £539.40 was ordered to have his Practising Certificate withdrawn with effect from 31 October 1992 and to pay £100 by way of costs .
18 The ‘ pro-Zionism ’ of Vanguard is not pan of an ideological renunciation of either the notion of a financial conspiracy or of the notion that Jews play leading roses in the financial world .
19 It is not simply a matter of a verbal profession but of whole-hearted , life-yielding response .
20 A person will only be an arbitrator or quasi-arbitrator if there is a submission to him either of a specific dispute or of present points of difference or of defined differences that may in future arise and if there is agreement that his decision will be binding .
21 Cole ( 1978 ) , in contrast , prefers to see the emergence of permanent employment in terms not so much of a living tradition but of an institutional legacy which organizational innovators were able to draw on .
22 There is a corresponding and no less seminal change in painting : the abandonment of the single ground line on which all figures rest ; a change which makes painting no longer simply the decoration of a flat surface but at the same time a feigned window on the three-dimensional world .
23 For those who survived , the heady talk and dreams , the vision of a global system and of revolutionaries without national allegiances , all that had inspired them before 1917 , must have seemed as remote and irrelevant as childhood .
24 Its approach to the reform of sexual offences was legalistic in the sense that it was mostly concerned with the law itself , its consistency and logicality , its relationship to other laws of a similar kind and to the criminal law as a whole .
25 Around fifty works of art will include : four Eastern Zhou bronze vessels dating from the fifth century BC , cast in two different alloys of bronze and inlaid with a design incorporating small pieces of malachite , paste and copper wire ; a bronze male figure of the third to fourth century BC , supporting a candlestick ; of a similar date and from a royal treasury is a bronze and silver ox inlaid with a complex pattern of curved scrolls ; a gold and turquoise garment-hook in the form of three intertwined dragons ; a group of Tang figures including an ochre camel in unglazed earthenware ; and a twelfth-century carved wooden figure of a seated Bodhisattva , last shown in London at Eskenazi 's in 1972 and purchased back for this exhibition .
26 Here , the aim of assessment is simply to identify whether or not the child 's language is unusual or atypical compared with that of other children of a similar age or in respect of other aspects of development .
27 The interviews gave me plenty of insights , but there was no way in which I could tell in what ways the Moonies might differ from other people of a similar age and from a similar background .
28 They consist of a complete system but without specific knowledge from the area of expertise , which must be provided by the user .
29 ‘ After the date of the publication of a complete specification and until the sealing of a patent in respect thereof , the applicant shall have the like privileges and rights as if a patent for the invention had been sealed on the date of the publication of the complete specification : Provided that an applicant shall not be entitled to institute any proceedings for infringement until the patent has been sealed .
30 They have no means of assessing the reliability of automatic control systems but they can make some assessment of a skilled individual and without knowing very much about his working procedures they will trust his actions if he seems calm , competent and mature .
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