Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] that [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You looked beautiful , ’ he said after a pause that agonized them both .
2 The question really means : What is it about the idea of a god that gives it its stability and penetrance in the cultural environment ?
3 She was wearing a short black skirt and a tiny scrap of a top that emphasised her heavy breasts .
4 Of a dive that took her 1,250 feet down to the floor of the Pacific , Sylvia Earle said , ‘ The light was faint but , when my eyes adjusted , the world I saw was incredibly beautiful .
5 Roman exclaimed in satisfaction and , turning into a wide drive , pulled up in front of a building that said it was a motor halt .
6 The expanding role of general practitioners , along with the 1990 contract , the establishment of family health services authorities , and the introduction of medical audit have increased accountability , but general practitioners have been demotivated by the imposition of a contract that increased their administrative burden without clear evidence of clinical benefit .
7 Essentially this is the behaviour of a cat that feels itself severely threatened and strikes out to protect itself .
8 Well I hope she 'll be interested enough to , but , not really before she 's six , cos I asked him last couple of times ago , he said , what sort of age , cos obviously the size of the hands comes into it , they ca n't do too much , but he said he would n't consider before six and you ough t 'a have to take the parents into consideration , of a child that age you got ta have a parent who 's prepared to sit there and make sure the child does what he 's set them to do , because , oh Amy , you not getting any out of that .
9 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
10 Did you have any experience of a kind that helped you before you came to drama school ?
11 In consequence , there are many single wavenumber patterns , some of them of a complexity that makes them not instantly recognizable as such ; for example , one of them is a hexagonal pattern rather like Fig. 4.9 .
12 Pipeline is a hollow left-hander which , with its right-handed twin brother , Backdoor Pipeline , turns into a double-barrelled shotgun of a wave that blasts its victims over a shallow , razor-sharp reef .
13 It was not the thought of a fall that worried her .
14 He concentrated on drawing cartoons and in 1932 had his first acceptance from Punch , the beginning of a partnership that established him as a major comic artist and one of the most original talents in the long history of the magazine .
15 For Gillis infatuation slides into obsession , even as he becomes aware of ensnarement in a fatal web of greed , ambition and deceit , of a trap that threatens his sanity , his life and that of his son .
16 He did not know why he asked the question , except as part of a ritual that reassured him Blanche had not changed .
17 Before she could stop him , his mouth was against hers , parting her mouth in a travesty of a kiss that forced her lips against her teeth .
18 The politicization of issues and even of policy-making structures remained considerable : one reason for uniting the postal and telegraph administrations in 1878 was to swamp the allegedly Bonapartist ‘ telegraphist ’ personnel ( 3000 employees ) among the 27,000 postal employees ; often of humble social origins , the latter contained ardent supporters of a republic that assured their social advancement .
19 They knew that the voice that spoke to them with their own voice was not their own but the voice of a being that had its abode in a world of light .
20 Your embrace is an expression of a need that unites you and her as much as the sex act itself .
21 Richard Goldschmidt 's problem — which was one of a set that made him resort , for most of his professional life , to the extreme belief that evolution takes great leaps rather than small steps — turns out to be no problem at all .
22 She found herself capable of a courage that startled her .
23 Ah , how touching , one might think , what a sensitive gesture , what a decent avowal of a perfection that leaves nothing more to be said .
24 ‘ I carry in my pocket a bit of a bullet that missed me two months ago .
25 The impact of this resolutely conservative and often authoritarian political ideology can be felt right across the field of social and economic policy where an idealized and homogenized vision of ‘ The Black Community ’ is the object of a discourse that urges it to take care of its own problems and assume the major burden of managing its own public affairs .
26 On Saturday , Payton fluffed a simple chance then regained his composure to score the goal that ensured victory and finished up having to change his jersey because it was stained with the blood of a cut that required him to go off temporarily for stitches .
27 " We took prints we had lying around and played with them and all of a sudden that broke everything loose " .
28 Against a background that reflects the social changes of the period , she has woven a richly textured tapestry of a book that sweeps you off to another world .
29 Eastwood 's ice-eyed killer with a moral streak ( he never guns down anyone who does n't deserve it ) is also confronted here with the horrors of a war that makes his own death-strewn path seem comfortable .
30 So they take advantage of a rule that permits them to spend money left over from their campaigns on themselves .
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