Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [vb past] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Again , as it was impossible for wheeled implements to cross the frequent deep water-cuts of a field ploughed in this way , all cultivation had to be done along the stetch itself ; and this meant that implements — drills , hoes , harrows , etc. — had to be adapted to fit the width of stetch used .
2 Satirical description of a type found at all social gatherings ( in this case a group of habitués of a public-house parlour ) who holds forth in an oracular manner on public affairs .
3 It was strange and awkward , being dressed by someone else , seeing Lyddy kneel to put on her stockings , lace up her boots , feeling the steady foreign strokes on her head of a hairbrush wielded by another hand .
4 Like sheep and horses , mules and asses … and finishes : From sulphurous eggs and oily fishes , And all the highly seasonal dishes : such is the odourous part of a man Devoted to this frying pan .
5 ‘ I think that a valid reply to this objection would be that it is a political objection to the passing of a statute worded in this wide way , not a legal objection to the validity of the Order , it a statute worded so widely has been passed .
6 The idea of a roadway supported on either side by a coal pillar and supported in the er in the beam of the roof er by er roof bolts making that beam stronger , so that the sides will support the beam , is a good one .
7 His own qualities as a choreographer blossomed in this setting .
8 One of those who became a Golitsin addict was James Angleton , head of counter-intelligence operations at the CIA , whose conversion unfortunately spread across the Atlantic to some members of MI5 , including Peter Wright , with disastrous results as a hunt began for this highly placed mole that Golitsin was so sure existed .
9 Probably much of his success as a teacher sprang from this , for the young greatly enjoyed his moments of iconoclasm , even when it was carried on to the cricket field where he had no knowledge of and certainly no respect for the laws of the game , as a current Member of Parliament may remember .
10 ( There was a long correspondence in a camp newspaper about the evil effects which female parts in a play had on such people . )
11 In a book devoted to this question Robson ( 1976 ) contrasted the welfare state , as a means of providing services to the needy and underprivileged members of the community , with the ‘ welfare society ’ , in which ‘ welfare is of unlimited scope ’ , involving conditions of work , income , the character and scope of social services , the quality of the environment , recreational facilities , and the cultivation of the arts , as well as freedom of expression and movement , and the protection of individuals against abuses of power .
12 She do n't keep her house up , she goes I 'm not gon na like get old , grey and old in a house surrounded by all these antiques that like all these memorabilia around me she said I 'm just gon na go out and see the world .
13 One can perhaps understand why John Keats , ’ writing his first mature work of poetry , managed to confuse Balboa with Cortez ; a young and sensitive man , Keats may well have balked at including a figure capable of such wanton cruelty in a sonnet devoted to such tender sentiments .
14 All modules which are selected as LATEST-ISSUE must be on a DC activated via this package for successful approval .
15 Easy to see what effect sudden nausea at even the thought of the big glass would have on a life lived in this way .
16 The DC can not refer to any modules referred to by a DC activated via another package ( this prevents conflicting modifications )
17 the DC can not refer to any modules referred to by a DC activated via another package ( this prevents conflicting modifications ) and
18 The DC refers to modules which are already referred to by a DC activated via another package ( this check prevents the occurrence of conflicting modifications ) .
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