Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [coord] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 We can also recognise , as we did , at an , on an earlier paper that it is national government policy and increasingly so , to encourage the development of capital schemes , borrowing , we noted that in relation to transport and the availability of S C A's I think it 's also right to say that the government does set down the level of borrowing which can be entered into in in any one year , that is the credit approvals are controlled by the government and they do make them available to the County Council and to district Councils , so in a sense , the government is both saying that we expect borrowing to be a feature of a budget and also that we want to control , and restrict the amount of money that can be borrowed through the amount of credit approvals .
2 Indeed , in my opinion , the privilege can only be justified on two grounds , first that it discourages the ill-treatment of a suspect and secondly that it discourages the production of dubious confessions .
3 The exercise is principally an informational one : it ensures not only that the minister is informed of local views for and against a proposal but also that those views are tested in the inspector 's enquiry , and fully considered in the subsequent report by the inspector to the minister .
4 Edmund has always loved and seen Fanny as a sister and now that his eyes have been widened to see Mary Crawford 's actual character he looks at Fanny now as his future wife .
5 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
6 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
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