Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It was put there in 1982 after a series of strikes led to the airline being shut down .
2 The PAC 's condemnation came only two weeks after a meeting between delegations led respectively by Makwetu and Mandela , the first formal contact between the two movements for 30 years .
3 The original research was designed to investigate the subsequent labour-market behaviour of a sample of steelworkers made redundant from the British Steel Corporation , Port Talbot , South Wales , and to relate this behaviour to the type of domestic organisation of their households and the character of their local social networks .
4 Furthermore , even if agricultural jobs are available , they may not be attractive to those who live locally ; Cowie and Giles ( 1957 ) found that 40 per cent of a sample of out-migrants gave low pay and long hours of farm work as reasons for deciding to leave their home areas .
5 Loosing to Coventry and then Charlton in the space of a couple of weeks made just about everyone I knew suicidal — and all cause of Brendan Ormsby failing to kick the ball out into touch on his own dead ball line .
6 Critics would stress the extent to which the children 's freedom to map out their lives for themselves , to make genuine preferences on the basis of a range of possibilities denied them , had been stifled .
7 Only a quick dash to the shelter of a stack of tins saved them .
8 This taking into municipal ownership of a variety of undertakings had various aims for those of differing political persuasions .
9 carried out an experiment in which four- , eight- , and twelve-year-olds were asked to indicate which member of a pair of blocks had made the other block move .
10 Indeed , it is ironic that the case of McCann was itself one of a series of cases intended to reduce sentencing levels on the part of lower courts .
11 A train was blown up in Cambodia 's Battambang province in the latest of a series of attacks believed to be carried out by Khmer Rouge guerrillas .
12 The impact of a series of I 's in theme position is not the same as the impact of a series of verbs inflected for first person , such as ‘ saw-I ’ , ‘ took-I ’ , etc. , where it is difficult to discern a theme line as clearly as in the pronoun-plus-verb combination .
13 On this rendering of alienation as a state of mind the most usual form of this would be as an attitude scale consisting of a series of statements judged to express alienative feelings , and to which subjects have to respond in terms of their agreement or disagreement .
14 It was during the composition of " East Coker " at Emperor 's Gate that the idea of a quartet of poems occurred to him , a sequence which would be loosely based upon the scheme of the four seasons and the four elements .
15 These form the basis for the development of a repertoire of skills dictated partly by capacities and partly by environmental circumstances such as the particular family , community and region he is born into and the available facilities for play , education and training .
16 In the crudest analyses , working-class racism is interpreted as composed of a set of falsehoods perpetrated by one , or a combination , of the following agencies : capital , the ruling class , the mass media , and the state .
17 So what is an Irish gay and lesbian audience to make of a programme of films made entirely abroad ?
18 The paintwork was black , the walls covered in silver foil ; each of a line of doorways blazed with about a thousand watts of brilliance and there was a smell of greasepaint and cleansing cream that she had n't encountered since having a couple of bit parts in school plays .
19 There are a hell of a lot of myths perpetrated in this industry .
20 Erm I myself came out a first floor window erm a lot of a lot of entrances had already been blocked by the tanks
21 He was one of a handful of men trusted to work unsupervised — a mistake say prison officers .
22 SE last night rejected speculation that the departure of a string of executives indicated deep-seated discontent .
23 Detectives who carried out a raid at an exclusive house at Coatham Mundeville , near Darlington , have held talks with the Crown Prosecution Service which is now considering the content of a number of articles seized .
24 While the combined effect of a number of cases had been to limit the audi alteram partem principle , it would be misleading to say that it had been wholly forgotten .
25 Supervisors would need to consider the validity of such explanations : where scrutiny of a number of schedules showed avoidance of particular areas to be common , this would have implications for agency policy and staff training .
26 Though I still felt drunk , my stomach ached and my throat felt like a couple of hedgehogs had had a fight in it , I did feel a lot better .
27 Some of the structures simply ended , hanging in space ; others terminated in smaller versions of the main station , like a cluster of eggs carried on the leg of an insect ; still others , following their skewed paths , met and became united with each other , producing strange hybrids .
28 They stood in silence for a while with heads bowed .
29 Nearly all the canine members of the police dog section are former unwanted pets donated by families who for a variety of reasons found the could no longer offer a home to man 's best friend .
30 It saw the defeat of Adlai Stevenson whose demand for a suspension of tests brought an off of immediate agreement from Prime Minister Bulganin … to which Eisenhower responded by accusing the Russians of ‘ internal interference ’ in his re-election campaign .
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