Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Zoe 's horse ’ Scrumpy ’ stumbled after a jump catapulting her into the ground .
2 At sunset , however , after a day sunning themselves on deck , in perfect invasion weather , and with not an English ship or soldier in sight , the French weighed anchor and left , leaving the news of their presence to be spread by beacons and horsemen all over Devon and Cornwall .
3 Mr Spiro said he was ‘ in mortal danger ’ after a book linked him to Terry Waite 's hostage negotiations .
4 It would n't take a very big hit with the mass of a forklift to dent it in actual fact .
5 However , out of the blue came the offer of a friend to do it for me , and naturally I accepted gratefully .
6 Visual images flashed on and off at fractions of a second to imprint themselves on the subconscious mind .
7 ( In this particular area of using dictionaries in catalogue systems , the only precedent of which I am aware is of a university paying something in the region of $40–50,000 . )
8 ‘ But it became obvious that we were n't posing enough of a threat to get them through the bottle neck and as a result they dived and went hell-for-leather back into Scapa Flow .
9 Three sides of a square surrounded them with high walls and rows of windows .
10 Then one end of a crate detached itself from the crates and began to steal away , edging slowly round in a half circle .
11 In England , possibly as a result of the Continental view , rumours arose that the Great Fire occurred as a result of acts by ‘ papists ’ and the King ( who had married Catherine , the daughter of the King of Portugal in 1662 ) had to combat the ugly anti-Catholic mood of Londoners and Parliament , particularly when another rumour arose of a plot to overthrow him for his Roman Catholic brother , the Duke of York .
12 It 's , it 's erm enough of a shock changing it to A four without stapling it , you know .
13 I 'd just get myself a fine eejit of a man to keep me in barley sugar all day . ’
14 Is it not an attack upon the integrity of a man to alienate him from those actions which spring from his deep convictions in order that he might fit in with utilitarian calculations ?
15 Victor Sierra 's ‘ rubber band ’ possesses a great ability to frighten the life out of a pilot flying her for the first time , by apparently stopping if and whenever the revs drop below 1800 , when the most horrendous mixture-timing ‘ flat-spot ’ occurs and it all goes quiet up front .
16 Then he told me to wait for him after I had visited my father , and said that he would try to think of a way to help me without arousing any suspicion .
17 But he proved right about the size of Switham Thicket , for a bare quarter of a mile brought them to the outskirts of the other side , and almost immediately the horse was turned into a walled aperture of crumbling stone , its high , rusty iron gates wide open .
18 The song of a nightingale greeted us at the entrance to Hotel Glade .
19 Tonight was by way of a rehearsal to familiarize himself with the place , make final arrangements , and tell the landlord sufficient of their plans to ensure that there was no unforeseen interference .
20 Despite these facts there may be a case for a short-term course of tablets , or the occasional use of a tablet to help us through a particularly difficult situation and to help build confidence .
21 ‘ We had a bit of a struggle to get them for the wedding , but you can pull various strings to hold things back . ’
22 He bore his unpopularity with the stoic dignity of a consul discovering himself amidst epigones in a barbarous province .
23 So who exactly are the Enforcers , why do they do it and what sort of a hold have they over their fellow MPs ?
24 It had to be worked out to the finest detail and Endill went to the library to find pictures of a catapult to help them on their way .
25 Just under the surface , though , we can see signs of a willingness to take nothing on trust , to maintain a permanent self-vigilance , and if necessary to overturn the cultural idols .
26 In the ordinary case , the breach of a promise to do something by a certain time can for practical purposes be remedied by the thing being done , even out of time …
27 I ought perhaps to add that Edward Spelman was the man who said : " Good God , doth any fellow of a College know anything of Greek . "
28 Thus in the case referred to by Holt C.J. , in Philips v. Bury , Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 , the plaintiff sought an order directed to the master and fellows of a college to reinstate him as a fellow , the visitor having already adjudicated that he had been rightly removed .
29 The scraping of a bolt recalled him to the issue in hand .
30 He is represented as granting land at Hoo in Kent to an Abbot Ecgbald ( CS 89 : S 233 ) , and a grant of land at Farnham , perhaps dating to 686 , for the founding of a monastery reveals him with authority in Surrey ( CS 72 : S 235 ) .
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