Example sentences of "[prep] state [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In February 1929 Irwin had written to the Secretary of State of a conversation with Gandhi that ‘ what was interesting ’ was his statement that , if Indians were at liberty to order their own future , ‘ we should be astonished by how much they would desire to leave in our hands through lack of self-confidence ’ .
2 Will the hon. Gentleman persuade the Secretary of State of the necessity of that InterCity link going ahead , because it is important to the entire system ?
3 The head of state of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas , an independent member of the Commonwealth since July 1973 , is the British sovereign , represented by a Governor General ( currently Sir Henry Taylor in an acting capacity ) .
4 The head of state of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas , an independent member of the Commonwealth since July 1973 , is the United Kingdom sovereign , represented by a Governor-General .
5 We may now eliminate the kinetic energy from our energy equation giving , per unit of time , Under an adiabatic change of state of the body from which we deduce that is an exact differential and there exists a function W , the strain energy function , such that and , in this case , W = U.
6 President Mitterrand of France on April 18-19 made the first state visit to Romania by a west European head of state since the fall of Ceausescu in December 1989 .
7 Col. Idriss Déby , head of state since the overthrow in December 1990 of Hissène Habré , on March 4 announced that he had appointed Jean Alingue Bawoyeu as Prime Minister .
8 On Aug. 5 Gen. Amadou Toumani Touré , head of state during the period of transition to democracy from March 1991 to June 1992 , was granted personal immunity from prosecution in recognition of " his role in the restoration of the Third Republic " .
9 Is the Secretary of State aware that according to figures provided in a parliamentary written answer by the Minister of State about the proportion of seven-year-olds reaching the highest level of attainment — level 3 — Labour-controlled Haringey is equal top and that Labour-controlled Merton , Camden and Hackney are in the top five placings , streets ahead of Tory Wandsworth which is the source of so much dogma about Tory education policies ?
10 By notice of appeal dated 15 February 1991 Mr. Smart appealed against that refusal on the grounds that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in holding that the principles of natural justice did not endow a prisoner serving a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment with the right to know the factors ( including the views of the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice ) which the Secretary of State took into account when fixing the tariff , the right to make informed representations to the Secretary of State about the length of the tariff to be applied and the right to be provided with the reasons for the period chosen by the Secretary of State as the tariff period ; and ( 2 ) in holding that the practice of the Secretary of State in murder cases of fixing a tariff in excess of that recommended by the trial judge and/or the Lord Chief Justice was lawful .
11 Taking both these factors into account , I conclude that a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence should be given the opportunity to make representations in writing to the Secretary of State about the length of his tariff period before it is set .
12 The new clause will allow a consultative committee to make recommendations to bus operators and to the Secretary of State about the effect of the Act on bus passengers in Scotland .
13 As a whole it does n't reflect the the encouragement to diversification in P P G seven or the er we think the recent erm quite vigorous policy statements by the Secretary of State about the importance of erm employment creation in rural areas .
14 The logic of linking auditing and accounting had already been accepted by the Secretary of State as a feature of the experience needed to qualify as an auditor under the Companies Act 1989 .
15 Thus wiping and licking do not seem to require a change of state as a matter of their essential meaning , but it is quite accepted that one may be involved , so that we can have : ( 34 ) Rover licked his plate clean Wendy wiped the floor dry
16 The schedule , by asking for the residence to have ‘ the requirements of a Nobleman 's Town House ’ with twelve to fourteen bedrooms , a dining room to seat fifty , and a reception suite to accommodate 1,500 guests , was not only ensuring accommodation for official functions , but also attempting to perpetuate the traditional view of the Secretary of State as the embodiment of the Foreign Office ; a view which Hammond was systematically demolishing .
17 While the symbols of civilization processed with full panoply of State through the streets of London , out on the eastern marshes the North Sea nudged at the coastal defences which had been hastily shored up after the calamity just four months before .
18 Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo President of the Supreme Military Council ; Minister of Defence Capt. Cristino Seriche Bioko Prime Minister Isidoro Eyi Monsuy Andeme Deputy Prime Minister , Education , Youth and Sports Marcelino Nguema Ongueme Minister of State ; Minister Secretary-General to the Presidency Eloy Elo Nve Mbengono Minister of State at the Presidency , in charge of relations with constitutional organs Alejandro Evuna Asangono Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of missions Martin Nka Esono Nsing Minister Deputy Secretary-General to the Presidency Silvestre Siale Sale Bileka Justice Alejandro Envoro Ovono Public Works , Urban Development and Transport Anatolio Ndong Mba Agriculture , Fishing and Forestry Francisco Pascual Obama Asue Industry and Energy Antonio Pascual Oko Ebobo Labour and Social Development Ministers-Delegate Antonio Fernando Nve Ngu Economic and Financial Affairs Juan Olo Mba Nseng Mines and Hydrocarbons Leandro Mbomio Nsue Culture , Tourism and Handicrafts Santiago Eneme Ovono Foreign Affairs and Co-operation Melanio Ebendeng Nsomo National Defence Casto Nvono Akhele Economy , Commerce and Planning Segundo Munoz Itala Territorial Administration and Communications Alejandro Masoko Bengono Health Purificaçion Angue Ondo Women 's Development
19 Joao Bernardo Vieira Chairman of the Council of State ; C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces ; Head of Government ; Defence ; Interior Col. Iafai Camara First Deputy Chairman of Council of State ; Minister of State for the Armed Forces Vasco Cabral Second Deputy Chairman of Council of State ; Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of Co-ordination of the Social Sector Carlos Correia Minister of State for Rural Development and Agriculture Fidelis Cabral de Almada Minister of State at the Presidency Carmen Pereira Minister of State for Social Affairs Col. Manuel dos Santos Minister of State for Economy and Finance ( vacant ) National Security and Public Order Filinto de Barros Natural Resources and Industry Júlio Semedo Foreign Affairs Henriqueta Godinho Gomes Public Health Mário Cabral Justice Manuel Rabout Barcelos Education Nicandro Pereira Barreto Civil Service and Labour Luís Oliveira Sanca Commerce and Tourism Bernardino Cardoso International Co-operation Francisca Pereira Women 's Affairs Zeca Martins Resident Minister in Northern Province Nicandro Pereira Barreto Resident Minister in Southern Province Mário Mendes Resident Minister in Eastern Province Vítor Freire Monteiro Fisheries Maj. Avito José da Silva Transport Alberto Lima Gomes Public Works , Construction and Town Planning Mussa Djassi Information and Telecommunications Pedro Godinho Gomes Minister-Governor of the Central Bank
20 June 5 : nine ministers were dismissed , 11 new appointments made , including Edouard Franck as Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of Co-ordination , the Cabinet Secretariat and Relations with Parliament .
21 Other principal ministers : Capt. Cristino Seriche Bioko ( Prime Minister ) ; Isidoro Eyi Monsuy Andeme ( Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education , Youth and Sports ) ; Marcelino Nguema Ongueme ( Minister of State for Economy , Trade and Planning ) , Casto Nvono Akhele ( Secretary-General to the Presidency ) ; Eloy Elo Nve Mbengono ( Minister of State at the Presidency , in charge of relations with constitutional organs ) ; Alejandro Evuna Asangono ( Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of missions ) ; Santiago Eneme Ovono ( Minister-Delegate for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation ) .
22 The Secretary of State at the head of its sponsoring Department of State must lay its annual report and accounts before Parliament which may debate them and which may , if it thinks fit , call the Chairman and others before a select committee , examine them and report on their performance .
23 Corneliu Bogdan , a respected career diplomat and since Dec. 28 the Minister-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and de facto NSF spokesman , died on Jan. 1 , aged 68 .
24 Victor Atanasie Stanculescu Defence Theodor Stolojan Finance Doru Viorel Ursu Interior Victor Babiuc Justice Mihail Zisu Resources and Industry Constantin Fota Trade and Tourism Ioan Tip Agriculture and Food Industry Andrei Chirica Communications Doru Pana Public Works , Transport and Territorial Planning Stefan Gheorghe Education and Science Valeriu Eugen Pop Environment Andrei Gabriel Plesu Culture Bogdan Marinescu Health Catalin Zamfir Labour and Social Security Bogdan Nicolae Niculescu Duvaz Youth and Sports Romulus Neagu Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrei Tugulea Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science
25 Victor Atanasie Stanculescu Defence Theodor Stolojan Finance Doru Viorel Ursu Interior Victor Babiuc Justice Mihail Zisu Resources and Industry Constantin Fota Trade and Tourism Ioan Tip Agriculture and Food Industry Andrei Chirica Communications Doru Pana Public Works , Transport and Territorial Planning Stefan Gheorghe Education and Science Valeriu Eugen Pop Environment Andrei Gabriel Plesu Culture Bogdan Marinescu Health Catalin Zamfir Labour and Social Security Bogdan Nicolae Niculescu Duvaz Youth and Sports Romulus Neagu Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrei Tugulea Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science
26 On Jan. 11 , 1990 , Harcourt Lewis was transferred from the Prime Minister 's Office to become Minister of State at the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , replacing Warwick Franklin .
27 Iulian Vlad , 59 , the head of the now disbanded Securitate secret police and Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Interior under the regime of President Ceausescu until Dec. 22 , 1989 , on charges of taking the dissident Dumitru Mazilu into custody illegally on Dec. 21 , 1989 .
28 *Valeriu Pescaru Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry , responsible for privatization
29 *Makale Kamara ( f ) Secretary of State at the Ministry of Public Health in charge of the Promotion of Women and Children
30 Antal Annus , Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence , visited Romania on Feb. 29-March 1 , holding talks with Lt.-Gen.
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