Example sentences of "[prep] thing that [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Robyn entered the tiny shop and bought at random , grabbing anything that was familiar — an odd assortment of things that would sustain her with the least amount of effort , paying her money to the assistant vaguely , absent-mindedly .
2 Now there are lots of things that can cause you to be stressed , and I mean , I 'm talking about a lot here .
3 it 's not pronounced in mine , but , some er they say that with where it 's gone away , you know , there 's all sorts of things that can prove it I mean the obvious thing is we came from somewhere did n't we ? , we did n't just drop here with a flash of light and er they 've studied plants and other animals and they evolved .
4 ‘ It 's not the kind of thing that would influence you , of course , ’ says Caroline , ‘ but the prospects would be quite good . ’
5 Then would having a good head for numbers be the sort of thing that would individuate them at the level of their soul ?
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