Example sentences of "[prep] many [noun pl] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Like many others I have protested in all directions against water-privatization .
2 For many years I have wished to ask my aunt to visit our beautiful town , ’ she wrote , ‘ but have been deterred from doing so by the knowledge that she would have to pass this stark , staring figure .
3 As you know , for many years I have devoted time to families in my parish who foster babies for the charity , but now I feel I can do more .
4 These processes are known as ‘ extrusion ’ and ‘ injection moulding ’ and for many purposes they have proved the cheapest of all manufacturing methods .
5 In many cases they have gone long periods before they have even made a profit .
6 In many cases they have done so because their goods , produced outside the Community , have been regarded as unfair competition and have attracted anti-dumping duties designed to make them more expensive and therefore less competitive .
7 In many cases they have given up their spare time to pursue a personal dream of making life better for those around them .
8 erm Nonetheless , while we want to carry on supporting that , we 've also got to think , as Jack said , erm of as we enter the next century what is going to be right for our children , and we know that in many ways we have failed them and we know that we are producing many children who have n't had the training and the education that 's going to be necessary for us to be erm economically competent in the future , so we 've got to look at the whole of our educational provision , and frankly I think opting out was erm a sort of unnecessary blip on all of this that is n't really terribly important in the whole issue of how the children in this country should be educated .
9 In many respects we have wasted the last 40 years by our failure to address these problems , preferring instead to concentrate on short-term , electorally convenient policies .
10 While I owe much to that tradition and trust that I am still persona grata within it , in many respects I have gone beyond Evangelical thought on matters to do with the Church and sacraments .
11 On many occasions we have increased the sensitivity of our measurements or made a new class of observations , only to discover new phenomena that were not predicted by the existing theory , and to account for these we have had to develop a more advanced theory .
12 On many occasions I have heard environmentalists say that they do not wish to be ‘ tarred by the same brush ’ which has so comprehensively covered some extremists in the Animal Rights Movement and which has brought that movement into disrepute .
13 I have to confess that on many occasions I have had recourse to Hansard , of course only to check if my interpretation had conflicted with an express Parliamentary intention , but I can say that it does not take long to recall and assemble the relevant passages in which the particular section was dealt with in Parliament , nor does it take long to see if anything relevant was said .
14 Over many years I have visited some of the gardens Andre Gide wrote about in his book the Fruits of the Earth .
15 Over many years I have ascended the steep final slopes to the broad top often .
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