Example sentences of "[prep] how [adj] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 What follows is an examination of each with examples of how each might be justified .
2 She had a pretty shrewd idea that Desmond had only the haziest notion of how much could be expected from the various books , and she had intended to keep it that way .
3 ‘ DOUBTFUL , ’ Portsmouth , Hants , writes : FANTASTIC stories are told of how much could be earned in World War 2 .
4 In other words , controls can be exercised indirectly by negotiation over what amounts to a question of how much can be charged against local tax .
5 Mr Margary 's book on Roman Ways in the Weald was a revelation of how much can be unearthed by a patient and detailed examination of one region .
6 My hon. Friend the Member for Portsmouth , South ( Mr. Martin ) provided us with a model of how much can be put into a brief speech .
7 When we have completed the prescriptions , we shall be able to give a detailed account of how much will be spent in each ESA , so that details of the total amount will be in the public domain .
8 A corollary is that it provides an account of how more can be communicated , in his rather strict sense of non-naturally meant , than what is actually said .
9 A Home Office Amendment to the Churchill Bill provided a model of how this might be done and was the only section of that ill-judged proposal which received unanimous support in Standing Committee .
10 An example of how this might be applied to an inventory record would be to control the format of named collections , e.g. ‘ Sloane Bequest , Miscellanea ’ .
11 In addition , there has been much space devoted to the discussion of assessment , with the APU Report offering the most comprehensive attempt so far , with its proposal of an actual model of how this might be structured .
12 All pupils , therefore , must be able by the age of 16 to use spoken and written Standard English ; but schools have the responsibility to develop their own policies on the detail of how this should be done .
13 The problem remains , however , of how this should be implemented .
14 As an example of how this can be done , refer to Table 6.6 .
15 Better support for carers is an essential ingredient of good community care and we want to ensure that practical examples of how this can be achieved are well publicised so that others can emulate them .
16 The NHSTA study of non-executive directors unearthed an example of how this could be done ( Ham , 1988 ) .
17 He expected Charity to scoff at such weakness , but surprisingly , she seemed only to be concerned with how that could be arranged .
18 Can he give us more information on how that might be done ?
19 Has he noticed that much advice has been given to us on how that should be done ?
20 This will include short- and long-term aims , general ideas on how these will be implemented , who will be involved , and how monitoring and evaluation will be carried out .
21 Religious education and personal and social education ( broadly defined to include 16 areas such as careers education , community studies , education for parenthood and family life , health education , mass media , moral , political and economic education ) are compulsory in ISS : in TNC religious education is assumed ( but later given status as a ‘ basic ’ subject after pressure from the churches ) and elements of personal and social education are to be ‘ taught through other subjects ’ , though no advice is given on how this might be achieved .
22 While no decisions have been reached on how this would be organised or financed , he is also holding discussions with various insurance companies .
23 ( If you find it difficult to diet without enjoying a moderate amount of alcohol , refer to Chapter 11 for advice and guidance on how this can be made possible . )
24 Of these , education is particularly important : the national curriculum is to include citizenship as a cross-curricular subject and the National Curriculum Council is working on how this can be taught .
25 If we do decide to refuse or restrict access clients will have a right to have this decision reviewed , and will be advised on how this can be done .
26 General recommendations are given on how this could be done .
27 But their view on how this should be achieved was quite different : correction was to be an applied science whose goal , where feasible , was to be the rehabilitation of individual offenders ( where it was not feasible , segregation or elimination , for the protection of society , was to suffice ) .
28 But there is a limit to how much can be done on these lines , because the sections have to be able to hear each other to maintain precise rhythm .
29 Consisting of material remains — objects , buildings and other structures — there are limits as to how much can be deduced from such evidence about the people who used them .
30 Areas of the economy in which formerly goods and services such as medicine , education , transport and energy were supplied by the private sector , have been taken over by the public sector and the key issues as to how much should be supplied and at what price , have been decided directly or indirectly by the ballot box rather than the market place .
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