Example sentences of "[prep] these [noun pl] [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Most of these universes will not provide the right conditions for the development of the complicated structures needed for intelligent life .
2 The omission of these chapters will not detract from your general appreciation of homoeopathy .
3 How can you be sure that any future development of these sites would not have a deleterious effect on the conservation area , the listed buildings , the archaeology and the natural history ?
4 Others who are aware of these feelings dare not touch their children for fear of going too far and seriously hurting them .
5 However , the interest and acuity of these studies can not obscure the fact that the labour internationalism they set out to document and analyze has occurred only fleetingly .
6 If the question depends simply on the oral evidence led at the trial , even a decision of the House of Lords on appeal from one of these cases need not settle the matter .
7 And we can work out our actual expenditure that will , some of these resources wo n't turn up .
8 Some of these regulations may not promote efficiency but be justified on paternalistic grounds : workers are held not to be the best judges of their own interests and so are prevented by law from taking risks they would voluntarily undertake for money .
9 Although the details of these arguments need not concern us , the issue is relevant to understanding social research .
10 Yet the rejection of these interpretations need not imply either that individuals with altruistic motives play no part in the evolution of policy , or that manipulative and social-control motivated actions are not involved in the policy process .
11 But if a total consciousness is an organic whole , then some or all of these parts could not exist in the same character in another different sort of whole .
12 The prognosis must be guarded and the owner informed that a proportion of these animals may not recover while others may remain permanently stunted .
13 Some of these guests may not like dogs , and could be nervous , especially if you have a large breed .
14 Additional air pollution in each of these classes must not exceed specific air quality ‘ increments ’ , thereby assuring a level of air quality which should in all cases be cleaner than that required by the NAAQSs .
15 The waves for these paths will not cancel out .
16 The remaining delegates to be chosen in these races will not give Mr Clinton a firm lock on the nomination but , barring some unfathomable collapse on his part , he will be mathematically impossible to overtake .
17 All of these have strategic aspects to consider , and strategic developments in these areas will not occur all at the same pace or even , necessarily , in the same direction .
18 The presence of muscle type nAChR or nAChR-like protein in the thymus has been reported previously ( 25–27 ) , however antibodies and probes used in these studies would not have differentiated between the two variants of α .
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