Example sentences of "[prep] other [n mass] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Quiz programmes , for instance , appealed to people as a means of excitement and escape from worries , an opportunity to rate oneself in comparison with other people and possibly to learn something .
2 Ylva , he said , was diverting scarce funds and manpower from other species that also needed protection and that do not arouse such hostility .
3 The important point is that a basic awareness of body language enables us not only to recognize danger signals from other people but also to tell those around us that we do n't intend to submit meekly to being attacked .
4 The they lose a lot of customers er to , to other people that sometimes charge them more .
5 I think there 's got to be determination , consistency , the ability to listen to other people and then make your mind up and stick to it .
6 This will often happen when counsellees have placed blame on other people and not looked at their own contribution to their problems .
7 But it 's a good technical business to have for other people as well to know about .
8 The facts to be assumed by the House of Lords for the purposes of the appeal were that Shell and others had , in breach of the sanctions order , covertly supplied Southern Rhodesia with oil by other means and thereby prolonged the state of illegal independence and the time during which Lonrho 's pipeline was out of use .
9 If positions and viewpoints are too easily set aside they might be regarded by other people as not having , even in the first place , amounted to much .
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