Example sentences of "[prep] come [adv] [coord] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 And you know , you know , what 's the point of coming round and giving you a bollocking if nobody 's going to tell you why ?
2 but they do sort of come in and give you some idea do n't they ?
3 And I think it sort of paid off in making people feel in the town during the year that they had a mayor , that the ceremonial actually meant something and related to them , and certainly I still find tremendous numbers of people who sort of come along and invite you to things — people who before would have probably said ‘ Oh it 's a waste of money ’ , and I think we did quite a lot to change that attitude .
4 And certainly I still find tremendous numbers of people who sort of come along and invite you to things , people who before would have probably said , ‘ Oh , it 's a waste of money , ’ and I think we did quite a lot to , to change that attitude .
5 I was gon na come over and see you about , about
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