Example sentences of "[prep] take [noun] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Sept. 4 a member of the High Council of the Republic ( HCR ) , Madeleine Adayoma , was flogged by security personnel as she left the Lomé radio studios after taking part in a programme .
2 A few months later Who Dares arrived at a channel port on a trailer , completing her journey by road after taking part in a power boat race abroad .
3 They must be turned in within 30 days after taking delivery of a Sun IPX or SparcStation 2 .
4 Tensions in Tbilisi were already running high after activists from the Society of St Ilya the Righteous ( one of the organizations in the Round Table ) had ransacked Georgia 's KGB headquarters on the night of Sept. 17-18 , in protest at the detention of one of their number on suspicion of taking part in a raid on a police station .
5 He is probably correct , however , in identifying the experience of taking possession as a factor in that development .
6 It was , she thought , like taking part in a TV adaptation of an early Agatha Christie novel .
7 Like taking candy off a schoolkid , ’ I complained .
8 On April 11 the Prime Minister , V. P. Singh , warned in a speech in the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) : " Our message to Pakistan is that you can not get away with taking Kashmir without a war . "
9 A robot can do many different things from taking care of a baby to building a spaceship .
10 As the restriction sought to prevent the defendant from taking employment with a competitor in the general PVC calendering field it was held to be too wide .
11 This may sound like good news it you 're overweight , but please consult your doctor before taking cannabis as a part of a calorie controlled diet .
12 No harm in taking Evans down a peg .
13 He 'd been in the house for nearly six weeks now and although he had not yet been called upon to take part in a Vibrancy performance , he had all the time in the world to practise .
14 I am writing as I 'm puzzled as to why you have released Kim Hyun-hui who planted a bomb on a plane and killed 115 people but have imprisoned a girl for taking part in a peace march .
15 EX-TENNIS champ Arthur Ashe was arrested last night for taking part in a demo outside the White House .
16 As the heavens continued to pour down water , Hermon and Martin Bond , owners of the championship St Mellion course near Saltash , Cornwall , were fined £150 each for taking water without a licence .
17 In Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 the plaintiff 's clerk was unlawfully charged for taking extracts from a parish register the larger fee which was chargeable in respect of certificates .
18 When the time comes for you to move on , whether or not you leave through your own choice , it is worth taking stock for a moment .
19 It is probably worth taking advice from a specialist competitions house when organising your first big competition .
20 But there was another lady there talking about taking Tamazapam as a drug of abuse and tha , that 's the difficulty .
21 ‘ What about taking Gran to a day centre ? ’ asks Katie , ‘ Lucy 's grandmother goes to one and she loves it .
22 Are you gon na take Fido for a walk ? go for a walk .
23 In North America the audit fee was further cut by taking advantage of a US ruling that allows a group of companies to be treated as one company for the purposes of audit materiality levels .
24 In Chapter 7 , however , we do ‘ open the box ’ , by taking bureaucracy as a rival to the state in what is thus the second debate about the level of analysis .
25 The Chinese , many of whom have friends in Hong Kong , do not have the opportunity to prove they are genuine refugees by taking part in a screening process .
26 There is no guarantee at all that the former , simply by taking place in a teacher 's place of work , will somehow be more relevant or valuable than the latter ( a point made over a decade ago Alexander 1980 — in the context of a previous incarnation of current debates ) .
27 A president may also benefit from movements in the cycles of American history , by taking office at a moment advan-tageous to his policy preferences .
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