Example sentences of "[prep] go [prep] the [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 The legal model has one further method by which it attempts to balance the desirability of going to the managers of the company substantial discretionary power so that they have sufficient flexibility to act effectively , whilst at the same time minimizing the danger that the existence of such discretion creates , which is that it will be used arbitrarily .
2 The idea of going into the deserts of the north to found a new religious colony had no attraction for him , and he was beginning to think that , for all the patina of civilisation which he had reassumed , Surere 's years of imprisonment had cost him his reason .
3 This is why it 's hardly worth going into the ins-and-outs of his previous ( albeit ground-breaking and influential ) outfit here .
4 For brevity , and without going into the axioms of the mathematics of number , the main features of numbers we need to note are order , distance and origin .
5 The conventional diatonic system can be disrupted in many other ways without going into the realms of chromatic harmony , bitonality , polytonality , etc .
6 We 've tried to keep the newsletter as light hearted as possible without going into the realms of indecency , and have even printed in black and white so those of your who are colour blind wo n't feel left out .
7 Without going into the minutiae of the terms of these and other benefits , it is important to appreciate that the former is means tested , so depending on the financial circumstances of your spouse , marriage could result in your benefit being stopped .
8 Without going into the details of modelling procedure , it is easy to see that there are now two sources of inefficiency rather than one .
9 Without going into the intricacies of Belorussia 's fate between 1917 and 1921 ( she was occupied in turn by Germans , Poles , and Russians , and there were three successive Soviet governments ) , a few salient points may serve to show the indifference of all the four nationalities involved to Belorussian national claims .
10 Such examples can easily be multiplied without going beyond the bounds of the county of Stirling , The Honourable William Elphinstone , a gentleman active in the politics of both Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire , was three times chairman of the East India Company and always maintained close relations with the shipping interest , having himself commanded the East Indiaman Tryton before becoming a director , while the Haldanes of Airthrey , significant in the political life of Perth , Dunbarton and Stirlingshire , had similar connections with the Indian shipping interest .
11 It is suggested that , as in the US , this should be a means of injecting share capital into a company without going through the formalities of a share issue .
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