Example sentences of "[prep] what be [adj] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Finally , at a time when the demand for public accountability has never been greater , it is worth remembering that many museums receive substantial grants towards what is supposed to be their educational provision for the general public .
2 THE first of what is likely to be thousands of crosses were planted at Belfast 's Garden of Remembrance yesterday .
3 Thus we propose that the simple binomial model with constant n is a useful simplification of what is likely to be a more complex process .
4 Wind farms , M S As , golf courses , associated hotels etcetera , development major recreation policies , and I think it the plan needs to have a a generic policy which addresses the issue of what is likely to be appropriate and acceptable in the countryside as a framework for the development of more detailed policies in in local plans .
5 There is no doubt that a bill or note given in consideration of what is supposed to be a debt is without consideration if it appears that there was a mistake in fact as to the existence of the debt ; Bell v. Gardiner ( 4 M. & Gr. 11 ) ; and , according to the cases of Southall v. Rigg and Forman v. Wright ( 11 C.B. 481 ) , the law is the same if the bill or note is given in consequence of a mistake of law as to the existence of a debt .
6 In the first of what were likely to be several criminal prosecutions resulting from the collapse of the Lincoln , Keating was convicted of misleading small investors over the sale of junk bonds — high-risk , high-yield securities — in American Continental Corp. , of which the Lincoln was a subsidiary .
7 After the two had left , Thomas confided to Thornton that he found it quite extraordinary that these two people , who were so naive and inexperienced , could be at the top of what was supposed to be a concrete business proposal .
8 The film cut to a closeup of what was supposed to be O'Mara 's hand pinching Nicola 's bottom .
9 I did spot an up-and-coming bass guitarist I 'd once played with , and in one corner , drinking champagne , was the author of what was supposed to be the definitive guide to the beers of the world .
10 He was summoned down on the Saturday evening and his presence at least had the effect of giving its a vignette of Baldwin 's behaviour on the eve of what was likely to be the most testing week of his premiership .
11 If Rangers can produce a victory tonight 's game — played on neutral territory because of the severe Moscow winter — their prospects of emerging from the group as winners will be enhanced , particularly as the last of their six games will be against what is likely to be an even more depleted Russian side .
12 The Soviets : on Gen Keightley 's right flank , Macmillan goes on : " Marshal Tolbukhin 's armies have spread out into what is supposed to be the British Zone in Austria , including the important city and road centre of Graz .
13 For lone mothers the aim is to encourage more employment , with what are likely to be low earnings from part-time jobs supplemented by both means-tested benefits ( especially family credit ) and child support ( as discussed above , with a £15 disregard ) .
14 She 'd soon be taking a stroll through the harbour district which is no place for any girl at night , especially a girl with what was supposed to be ten thousand dollars in her purse , and an appointment with a killer .
15 If , for example , a shy child has been very quiet in what is supposed to be a television interview , a positive way of dealing with it is to acknowledge it as something that has happened within the dramatic fiction : " Most of us would get very nervous being interviewed for TV ; I know I would .
16 The central allegation in what 's certain to be a bitterly contested case , is that B A has a monopoly based on its dominance of Heathrow , which it 's abusing in a bid to force Virgin out of the market for transatlantic travel .
17 Probably about all the other people in what was supposed to be a hired coach .
18 As the most recent poll tax was itself reduced as a result of the raising of VAT by 2.5 per cent , where are benefits that should accrue from what was supposed to be a ‘ new ’ progressive property tax ?
19 Today , Linfield are back in Europe pending what is certain to be a fruitless appeal by Dinamo to UEFA on Monday .
20 These however are directives as to what is likely to be the right action ; the actually right action is that which will actually , not merely probably , have the best consequences .
21 And this is their reward on what 's likely to be their last full scale exercise before amalgamation next year .
22 Of course , the appropriate behaviour here depends on what is likely to be going on when no set of bindings seems plausible to the reasoner .
23 Vancouver lawyer Rod Holloway , who doubles as coach of British Columbia and assistant coach to Canada 's national squad , warned his players in mid-July they were embarking on what was certain to be a ‘ brutal ’ schedule .
24 Further along there was a model of Sir Francis Chichester ; on what was supposed to be the deck of his yacht lay a number of books .
25 The coverage angered the royal entourage on what was supposed to be a high-profile visit to a close trading partner , and a country where British servicemen died in the fight against Communism in the early 1950s .
26 We must suppose that an individual 's experience of past events of a similar kind will equip him with expectations , hypotheses , about what are likely to be relevant aspects of context .
27 The confusion arose between the subsequent press briefings given by the hon. and learned Member for Grantham ( Mr. Hogg ) , the Minister of State , Foreign and Commonwealth Office , and the Prime Minister 's statements about what were likely to be the maximum number of warheads on the Trident programme .
28 Most serious of all , chaos blighted both policy and politics as what was supposed to be the creative tension with the Treasury deteriorated into petty demarcations and empire-building .
29 On the one hand by 1983 the straight-forward expansionist strategy has been virtually abandoned , but on the other side the French authorities are striving to sustain an active supply-side policy to prevent the fabric of industry being destroyed during what is supposed to be a temporary period of demand restraint caused by international financial problems .
30 The question was , did the student teacher have the right to compel Nicky Wragg to do something he did not want to do during what was supposed to be the boy 's free time ?
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