Example sentences of "[prep] what [pers pn] [be] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Neither of you will face criminal charges , though it would only be justice after what you 're doing to my sister .
2 The Palestinians were thus caught in a moral circle , although they rarely cared to debate the morality of what they were doing to the Lebanese : if they failed to fight the Israelis , then they sacrificed their right of return to Palestine ; yet if they did attack the Israelis , they created a new class of refugees among the Lebanese , mostly from the poor Shia community in southern Lebanon .
3 And I hated the anglers with their sharp hooks and their lack of understanding of what they were doing to the fish they plucked so gleefully from their wet world into our dry one .
4 Nor did I bear any ill-will against my poor mother , though she had brought me up in error , innocently ignorant of what she was doing to my psyche .
5 Particularly if you 're involved in different activities , different project work , colour coding because it appeals to the right side of your brain , erm , whereas a lot of what you 're going to be doing , I assume , is going to be fairly brained activity , erm , could , could work very well for you .
6 The dreadfulness of what I am doing to her , what I am going to do to her makes me feel ill .
7 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
8 ‘ Well , of course , ’ I agreed quickly without the faintest idea of what I was agreeing to .
9 The child must be fully aware of what he is consenting to and what the possible consequences may be .
10 It gives one quite a strong idea of what it 's going to be like to be a corpse . ’
11 And a large part of what it was teaching to the Germans it had learned from the Romans .
12 Erm , obviously one needs to change peoples ideas or change the way we do things or whatever , erm two relevant position that 's sort of making them believe in what they 're trying to erm , propose , and getting commitment at the end .
13 So it 's to be clear in what you 're saying to be able to explain yourself clearly so it 's about clarity
14 I mean those , by and large , those who who need to listen to what I 'm saying to and take it on board wo n't and those who already do do n't need it anyway but they 'll take it on board .
15 My own tears , hot noisy gulping that burns and blotches , that neither you nor any of the women in the group is going to offer to staunch , tears of anger for myself and all of us , anger with the women in the group for making me face up to what I 'm doing to you , for making me want to take out those dusty bundles of old stories from where they 've lain for my lifetime tied up with pink ribbon and reread them and throw them away .
16 She points to the teddy bear ( that one ) in the first picture and then points to the empty chair in the second picture ( there ) and assumes that the teacher is paying attention to what she is pointing to in their shared context of situation .
17 A third says : ‘ I love to read a few words of the Gospel , so that I can see Christ and listen to what He is saying to me . ’
18 Because you listened to what he was saying to you , now you might not believe it but the number of people that do n't listen to what customers are saying to them , you follow me ?
19 You know , we 've we 've got to agree on what we 're going to what terminology we use
20 I literally had to plunge into the abyss and find out what I could about what they were doing to me , or what they wanted me to do .
21 I must point out that this is not the correct way to stand , it is merely an exercise to demonstrate that we can not rely upon our feelings alone to inform us about what we are doing to ourselves .
22 What about what he 's doing to everybody else ? ’
23 It makes you think about what you are listening to and it gives you an active role in the lecture process .
24 when you know more about what you 're expecting to be told it 's easier to remember it .
25 And I 'm just going through what we 're going to be doing whe on the training day itself , or the assessment day .
26 So , it 's no good er me looking up in some book Theresa 's dreams if I could decipher it like some kind of code in which every single thing in the laten in the manifest content represented something latent for what we 're trying to then kind of decode as in a code book because er that 's not valid , at least it 's not valid in general terms .
27 But it 's important , for what we 're going to be thinking of this morning to re , keep that little phrase in mind that Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side , there was purpose in going into that boat .
28 Every single one of them turned round at that meeting and said , will you go and beat the out of that government for what they 're doing to us .
29 She hated him for what he was doing to her .
30 More to the point , I shudder at what I was doing to myself .
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