Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun pl] when [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Should this be achieved , the frequently cited fear of many parents of not being able to look after their children when they are old would cease to be a matter of concern .
2 The dancers explain that they have to think about their colleagues when they 're performing as well as trying to give something special to the audience .
3 But it is also due partly to less creditable reasons : women 's wages and the benefits they can draw for their children when they are at work are generally lower here ; and day care for children is scarcer and poorer than in many other countries .
4 Many mums and dads only realised the extent of their problems when they were caught out by their kids , added the princess , patron of the Adult Literacy Unit .
5 TWO little girls died after an horrific accident in front of their mothers when they were struck by a car which mounted the pavement .
6 ‘ of atrocious memory , who courted and married fourteen wives , and destroyed them all by tickling the soles of their feet when they was sleeping in the consciousness of innocence and virtue ’ .
7 Even the chickens must have been ashamed of those parts of their bodies when they were alive .
8 If not , they will vote with their feet when they are old enough to do so .
9 We see this underfunding of eventide care as limiting the choice available to people who have come to that point in their lives when they 're making decisions about the sort of care that they will next require .
10 After Fisher died Ramsey said that the time in their lives when they were closest in friendship was the time when he was examining chaplain to the Bishop of Chester .
11 and others really victim , I said but is n't it , is n't it kinder in a way , I would n't , if they really are sick in their minds then but for the grace of god would n't it be kinder to stick a needle in their bottoms when they were asleep so they did n't wake up again
12 ‘ You can see it in their eyes when they 're talking to you .
13 So it gives me a very good guide as to what 's going on in their minds when they are going through a process .
14 So many times held up at the Falcon Gate , so many times made to open his briefcase and his empty sandwich box and turn his empty coffee flask upside down when he was anxious to get home , so many times subjected to their questions when he was going about his business visiting other corners of the Establishment .
15 At the more routine end of the scale , studies of the relationship between mothers and daughters , from Young and Willmott onwards , document how daughters turn to their mothers when they are anxious about their children 's health , or unsure about some aspect of child rearing ( Young and Willmott , 1957 ) , despite the tendency of professional advisers to devalue ‘ old wives ’ tales ' .
16 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
17 I pay attention to their excuses when they 're playing golf or fishing .
18 ‘ And the girls were given to the priests by their families when they were ten or eleven years old . ’
19 ‘ So I was , but it seems Nahum and Anna were betrothed by their parents when they were still small .
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