Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun sg] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Politburo ‘ conservatives ’ hardly had a coherent programme , and their numbers were subject to continual attrition ( Ligachev , who left the leadership after his defeat at the 28th Congress , was a notable casualty ) .
2 The observer was asked to move through the wood of his choice at a fixed speed , dividing the time spent into units of 10 minutes each and recording for each 10-minute period all the birds seen or heard , normally within a band of 50 yards ( 46 metres ) from the observer .
3 The Welsh Office remains wet ; the Scottish Office damp ; and Douglas Hurd has the team of his choice at the Foreign Office .
4 While Ambrose earns wickets for his colleagues merely by dint of his presence at the other end , one timely intrusion at Chelmsford dispelled any notions of sloth .
5 there is an even stronger case for such cross-examination where the evidence the plaintiff wishes to give ( for example , as to the state of his knowledge at a particular date ) is very difficult to challenge by calling other witnesses ; if he is believed , his point is established .
6 ‘ Depressed , ’ is his summary of his state at the final exclusion .
7 Over the hols I learned a gossipy thing or two from my brother in law who deals with some Leeds United staff in the course of his work at a certain Leeds City Centre bank ( not saying which one but it 's not hard to guess ) .
8 Gironella 's first direct encounter with Velázquez was at an exhibition of his work at the Metropolitan Museum in New York in 1959 .
9 In April 1947 he was appointed a lord of appeal in ordinary , having already been granted in January a hereditary peerage in recognition of his work at the international tribunal at Nuremberg ( 1945–6 ) .
10 Dr Alastair McKinley is monitoring the amount of ultraviolet rays from the sun as part of his work at the National Radiological Protection Board .
11 THE obituaries for Philip Larkin included an account of his attendance at an amateur boxing match in Hull .
12 He cited " personal reasons " for his decision to stand down which was to take effect following the selection of his successor at a special party convention , expected in November .
13 That could be made to look like abuse of his authority at a subsequent inquiry .
14 To embody this revolt of the young against the old , Mosley founded his New Party , encouraged by the triumph of his appearance at the Labour Party Conference in 1930 , after his resignation from office .
15 In one of the last and most highly dramatised flourishes of his directorship at the National Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C. , J. Carter Brown announced on 4 June that his museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be receiving on loan twenty-two fifth-century BC sculptures from Greece that have never been loaned before .
16 If he is not saying that he would repeal the increase in VAT , he is simply speaking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time .
17 The disciplinary control exercised by these groups is usually powerful , for if any member breaks away and acts contrary to the decisions of the group on any important issue he will probably lose the support of his party at the next election .
18 The eccentricities of Dr Maturin are endured with fortitude by his landlady ; her opinions are indicated , in a direct account of his situation at a particular period in his life , with perfect naturalness :
19 Benjamin pointed with the tip of his finger at the purple-red crosses on the corpse 's chest .
20 O. Pächt identified the Alexis Master as Anketil , a monk-goldsmith of St Albans Abbey , who completed a new shrine for the relics of St Alban in 1129 , and spent part of his career at the Danish court as royal moneyer .
21 He had n't changed , she thought glumly , staring determinedly past his shoulder at the bright steel walls of the lift .
22 His presence made up her mind for her and she turned , brushing past him and heading towards a newspaper vendor who sat shivering behind his stall at the nearby entrance to a Metro station .
23 As he did so , he struck out reflexively with his knife at the outstretched leg of the flying figure , and had the satisfaction of feeling the blade strike home .
24 Mr Johnson gave the two girls up to six allergy tablets , after a row with his wife at a New Year 's party .
25 Baker-Finch had slipped off the leaderboard , and Watson looked to be in big trouble with his drive at the 12th .
26 ‘ Some of it seemed to cross into the Aids field , which had nothing to do with his brief at the Royal Free . ’
27 By some terrific fluke Richard came face to face with his future at the precise time he most needed to see it .
28 Hughes created a good impression with his exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in 1989 .
29 A man 's shout pierced the mist , and the first pursuer rushed out of the end of the alley and cut with his sword at the hatted shape which he saw dimly ahead of him .
30 He looked into his tent at the two dark cowled figures squatting there .
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