Example sentences of "[prep] she that [pron] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 All these years , she had carried Tyler 's image in her heart , and suddenly there he was , looking at her , startling her , his gaze finding its way into that secret part of her that she had always kept hidden .
2 His mouth covered hers once more , masterful , demanding , drawing responses from within her that she had never before experienced .
3 Bathed in the bright sun of Italy and glittering with social and commercial success , it seemed to her that it had always been menaced by dark shadows , many of which , Constance sometimes thought , had sprung up almost to punish her for leaving this remote area so early in her adult life .
4 It seemed to her that she had never seen so many people as there were on that platform , waiting for the Rome express to arrive .
5 It seemed to her that she had never been taken seriously before .
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