Example sentences of "[prep] this [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ Also , the proposal to extend capital gains tax rollover relief to ewe and suckler cow premia is welcome , and the extension of this relief to proceeds of disposals of shares in family companies . ’
32 However , a quantification of this factor in numbers of volumes or in cost is extremely difficult to achieve .
33 The project aims to examine the implications of this state of affairs for macroeconomic activity .
34 Furthermore , it is likely to take many years of research and practical work on intervention before we will be clear about the implications of this approach for children with language impairments .
35 The weakness of this approach in terms of the British civil service is that it ignores the force of ministerial responsibility .
36 This study confirms the presence of this abnormality in patients with acute watery diarrhoea , by a dialysis technique that assessed absorption from the rectum .
37 The scheme was introduced in April of this year with recommendations to the hospitals about allocation to individual departments .
38 A similar , and equally enigmatic poem is 39 : One can understand parts of this poem in terms of the punning elsewhere on Me = Myself = Thee , but still the insistence on their having to remain separate seems to move outside the context of this poem .
39 Hilton embodies his understanding of this journey in images of light and darkness based on an anagogical reading of two texts from Isaiah 26:9 : " mi soule desired in " and 9:2 : Habitantibus in regione umbrae mortis , lux orta est eis which he translates " to the wonend in contre of shadwe of dede , was spronge " [ wonend : dwellers ] ( 25.92r. – 238 ) .
40 There was no evidence in this study of a general reversal of this type for situations with low accident estimates , however , there did appear to be a reversal for left turns .
41 Piaget ( Piaget , Jean , The Child ' s Conception of Number , Chapter I , Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1952 ) has described many experiments of this type with children of four years upwards and concluded that it was not until about the age of seven that children were able to see that a quantity of liquid remains constant although it appears to change when poured into different shaped containers .
42 We can now evaluate the effects of this change in terms of the alteration in surplus .
43 I should be grateful if you would consider whether exceptions of this kind for categories of pupils can be justified in the case of English .
44 One manifestation of this statement in terms of policy has been the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) funded by the MSC .
45 There is particular concern about the impact of this restriction on applicants for the foundation 's ‘ intercollated ’ awards , which enable medical and dental students to carry out a research project leading to a BSc .
46 But last March AMD stole a tenth of this market within months of launching its version of the 386 , and now claims almost a third .
47 We believe that if the wipers did start , even if certain changes had taken place in the situation , there would have occurred an instance of one or another member of this set of types of circumstances .
48 For decades people have opposed the use of this trap on grounds of its cruelty , and among those who have done so many have called for the development and utilisation of what are called ‘ more humane methods ’ of trapping .
49 However , the situation is completely different in languages with non-semantic gender ( many European languages , for example ) , and the relevance of this fact for theories of anaphora has been brought to the fore in a recent debate between Bosch ( 1987 ; see also 1988 ) and Tasmowski & Verluyten ( 1985 ) .
50 However , the domestic staffing levels overall had originally been calculated using room areas as an indicator of workload , confirming the validity of this information in terms of the wider system , although not related to the EPH activities .
51 The rise in the oil price after 1979 was mainly responsible not only for the growth in the share of this group of products in total imports from 1979 to 1984 but also for its decline during the following three years .
52 While it does not necessarily imply that defective pitting is associated with defective immunological activity , using the technique of differential interference contrast microscopy , this study has highlighted the existence of functional hyposplenism in alcoholic liver disease and suggests that defective splenic function may be an additional mechanism involved in the susceptibility of this group of patients to infection .
53 The combination of this group of activists with either the residents or the workers was likely to raise questions on the continued operation of the factory , rather than demands for it to be operated safely , as the activists refused to accept that it was possible to work safely with asbestos or other toxic substances , following their similar rebuttal of threshold limits for exposure to radiation in the anti-nuclear movement .
54 ( See a note at the end of this chapter on editions of these texts . )
55 In recent years the importance of the prostaglandin pathway in platelets in relation to platelet aggregation has become apparent and several studies have attempted to assess the activity of this pathway in platelets from diabetic subjects .
56 The second edition of this guide to medicines for older people and those who help care for them has been published by Age Concern England .
57 Tony Geraghty twice mentions the disappearance of Leslie 's aircraft , and the reader will realise from the context in which Geraghty discusses this incident that a loss of this number of men from a small unit was a serious matter .
58 I accept completely what the honourable member for erm Truro Truro actually said in his speech just er that he just made , absolutely right that the cultural and the geographical identity of people matters so far as the European parliament is concerned and in respect of our responsibility , the responsibility of this house to citizens of Gibraltar .
59 So i it was a thriving and booming factory because of this supply of machines through
60 She thinks of this step in terms of her ‘ defection ’ .
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