Example sentences of "[prep] i when i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I suspected it last night , and you confirmed it for me when I touched you in the lift on the way up to the restaurant tonight .
2 You were happy for me when I changed my religion should n't we be happy for Rosie ? ’
3 It shocked the life out of me when I realised you were a virgin .
4 It 's not her fault Petya wo n't speak to me ; it 's just that he turned against me when I divorced his mother .
5 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
6 Lucy knew she had to tell him something , so she said , ‘ She got mad with me when I admitted you 'd taken me for two bush walks .
7 " If I can talk them over , they 'll be with me when I join you tonight .
8 ‘ Well , how about sometimes coming with me when I do my inspection ? ’
9 As one student patiently explained to me when I asked him how he knew what results he was looking for :
10 If I could do that I could do anything , as a chef once said to me when I told him he had sprinkled sugar on a steak and kidney pie .
11 ‘ She looked well enough to me when I saw her on the cake section of the WI stall yesterday morning ! ’
12 It was the last lesson of the day and I could n't help it , but I come out with a big burp in the middle of the lesson and she goes , ‘ Fay , are you feeling all right ? ’ and I says , ‘ Yes Miss , of course I am ’ , and then she goes to me when I did it again , ‘ FAY ! ’ and I goes , ‘ It 's all right ’ , I goes , ‘ Pardon me , Miss .
13 Another time perhaps you will listen to me when I warn you of the dangerous ground you are treading . ’
14 ‘ Thank you , William , ’ Marie says to me when I give her the tea , and I say ‘ Is there anything else , your Highness ? ’ like we 're king and queen or summat .
15 Well Geoff laughed at me when I told him .
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