Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] it 's [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If somebody loves you like that , for God 's sake , make the most of it before it 's too late .
2 My hair is so thick and there 's so much of it that it 's just too annoying for me .
3 Three so she 'd say , Oh you know mind I 've cut it up a bit do you you should n't it 's still a quarter still a quarter you have n't lost a bit of it but it 's still a quarter three twelfths is the same as a quarter .
4 It 's terrible if you take a lot of it because it 's just bad for your personality — not for your health , except for the fact that you get thin .
5 and I felt the side of it and it 's just warm and I thought oh he , he must getting
6 Because labour , there 's loads of it and it 's very cheap .
7 It 's not always that way , but we are absolutely sick and tired of it and it 's about and sisters , that whenever we come across it , we make sure that those people do n't continue that type of harassment .
8 somewhere in Mexico , the central part of it where it 's still falling to bits and
9 Feels like it but it 's just where it bends back and it pulls it out straight .
10 But otherwise everything 's written down and we have bought the e of the computer but Wendy is familiarizing herself with it and it 's quite hard work .
11 And er we can get by on lots of things and when an emergency does come , sometimes we can cope with it if it 's not too big a one , but other times it can catch up with us , simply because we are only sort of half awake so the purpose of the talk today is to try and help us all to see various ways in which we can stay awake in the truth physic er , er spiritually speaking .
12 ‘ The county council has been working there recently , putting up fencing all along it because it 's soon to be opened up as official footpath on a new part of the Teesdale Way , ’ said Mrs Brown .
13 He 's got some new ferreting land and erm and when he went to put him in his box there was a ferret already in it but it 's absolutely infested with these sheep tics .
14 I suppose there are liberal overtones in it but it 's essentially a nationalist revolt .
15 It , it depends on just what these things are for , because if think about a third level document as being something like the T G I manual , that 's got to be mandatory , you 've got no choice in it because it 's not covered in procedures , it 's got to be that .
16 that 's right , and when you do get the thunder storm well my family get into their bathing costumes and go out and stand in it because it 's so lovely to have the rain .
17 They 're both because , the other one 's got a fault in it and it 's not working properly
18 It runs past Germany , Denmark and Holland and then into sort of North Sea and the Rhine comes in it and it 's terribly
19 Again , the A nineteen south has a major highway constraint upon it and it 's very difficult to see how that could be overcome .
20 It 's got all these white lights all over it and it 's real tall .
21 Well I , I listened to it and it 's so gon na be fucking
22 And you 're looking and what , what , what relevance is all this got to it because it 's not , nothing 's given negative ,
23 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
24 Well I reckon it 's gon na take us three and a half hours to get to the other end , so two and a half hours to it and an hour on it if it 's not too bad and then of course we 've got to go up from there to Ipswich , Woodbridge but it 's dual carriageway all the way now you see .
25 ‘ They asked to be on it and it 's not going to do us any harm to have Slash and Ozzy on the new album , is it ?
26 Well it 's not a yes yes for the garden because I would n't have room for it but it 's certainly a yes yes in my shelter delt because the birds love the berries and it really encourages them to use that shelter delt but it is n't as , as easy to grow , it 's , one tends to think of the nature plant as a tough plant but I 've been trying to establish about thirty of these in the shelter delt and I 've found they object to any form of total weedkiller round the root , so all the , the weedkillers that you would use for the first couple of years maybe to , to keep the , the weeds from growing round the stems , they tend to get chlorotic and die .
27 If you try and arrange a meeting with a colleague or even a group of colleagues and he or they have already booked the time slot you want , you get to know about it before it 's too late .
28 I had remembered about it but it 's just I had no chance of getting there .
29 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
30 But they 're fi , they 're going to find about it cos it 's everywhere .
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