Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp reckons that it is so vital to its future to gain possession of it that it is betting the company on making a success of OS/2 2.0 .
2 Computervision Corp so wants to put its sad ownership by Prime Computer Inc behind it that it is remaking itself in the pure computer-aided design software image of the company Prime acquired as quickly as it can .
3 In particular , disagreement exists as to how child abuse is best defined , and practitioners are confused concerning the best ways of preventing non-accidental injury and dealing with it once it is identified .
4 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
5 They should be helped to recognise that racism is a reality in society and that , although they can not protect the child from it , they can prepare him or her to deal with it when it is encountered .
6 But we are stuck with it until it is won in a manner suitable to Bush , whether or not the UN conditions have been met .
7 As the sports car is likely to be designed with relatively better braking and steering to control this momentum and hence the danger inherent in it when it is moving , this difference in ‘ inherent dangerousness ’ is probably considerably greater .
8 Instead he insisted that the truth of God is to be found in it when it is approached in the proper way — by one who is searching in awareness of his own need .
9 Or better still find the source , the cassette player , and rip out the cassette and jump up and down upon it until it is smashed into little pieces .
10 There is , however , only a fugitive , implicit ( and comic ) reference to the tale being an exemplum within the text , and no reference to it as it is presented in the manuscript ; the tale is identified in the manuscript by the name of the character peculiar to this basically East Midland version , Dame Sirith .
11 Indeed , it must be fully aware of what is happening to it when it is playing dead .
12 The second meaning attached to the word ‘ love ’ is the one conferred on it when it is applied to the manifestation of the primitive uncontrolled mating urge as it applies to human beings , and also sometimes to animals .
13 The beneficiary of their prayers dies in his own home ; his relations , or servants , lay out the body and watch beside it until it is placed in the coffin and taken for interment in accordance with the rites of the Church .
14 The terms and conditions also address such grey areas such as what happens if the buyer has possession of a work , but has not completely paid for it when it is stolen ( the liability is the buyer 's ) , and the duty of such a buyer who has partially paid for a work , to store the work separately from his own goods , not to export it , to retain the seller 's identifying marks , and to allow the seller or his agent access to the work .
15 Be pro-active and do something about it before it is mentioned .
16 There is also a Register of Pending Actions affecting land or any interest in land kept by the Land Charges Registrar , but a buyer ( the term includes a lessee and mortgagee ) for value who does not have express notice of such an action will not be bound by it unless it is registered as a land charge .
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