Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] it [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I managed to get a copy of it before it hits the shops .
2 In my case it 's every morning , though I do in a sense like it as it heralds the beginning of another crap day at school .
3 As usual , rainwater fills up the aquifer and water flows out from it where it meets the surface .
4 It all started with the idea of re-establishing the archive of the Verein Berliner Kunstlerinnen ( Association of Women Artists in Berlin ) which was destroyed during the second world war and developed into a journey of discovery , which has reached this point with the following achievements : 1200 women artists on record ; many works discovered ; the archive set up ; a profusely illustrated catalogue ( in fact the word catalogue does not give an idea of the range of articles contained in it since it covers the history of women artists in German-speaking countries , to art-business oriented articles , to facets of the history of the association , followed by a chronological development of the association and a full catalogue of the works on show , divided into sections , as they are in the exhibition ) ; a dictionary with short biographies of 1200 artists and 700 friends of art called Kathe , Paula und der ganze Rest — Ein Nachschlagewerk ( Kathe , Paula and the rest of the bunch ! — A Reference Book ) , which has caused something of a stir ; and of course , finally , the exhibition showing the works of 70 of the members and guests of the association over its 125 year life , which includes 250 works loaned by 100 institutions and individuals .
5 There 's a few knots in it and it hurts a bit when she tugs the comb , but I do n't say nothing .
6 Maeve Binchy 's Circle of Friends ( RC84 ; 3 hours approx ) , delightfully read by her actress cousin Kate Binchy , has an earthier scent to it as it follows the fortunes of three young Irish girls and their attendant young men through their first year as students at University College , Dublin .
7 It is seldom simple and even the more experienced operators make mistakes , often because they do not understand the difference between source — what the original sound is like — and acoustics — what happens to it when it leaves the loudspeakers .
8 They did n't have any control , certainly , and not even very much knowledge as to how the commodity — and I 'm talking about cotton , rubber , tea , copper , bauxite , coco , sugar , coffee and so on — what happened to it when it enters the market of a developed country .
9 Yeah , you can record on it and it does a C D sound , that sort of thing
10 Educational technology is a theory and a set of hypotheses ; it is a habit of mind , and a readily applicable methodology ; it is far too early to claim for it that it has a large body of accepted practice .
11 ‘ I am all for it if it stops the bombings , ’ he said .
12 Erm I know it 's easier said than done sometimes but er it has to be your decision because even if you went ahead and were confirmed , we were tal talking about the idea of sometimes parents bring pressure on them on you to go ahead and do it and be confirmed , erm when perhaps you 're not do n't feel ready for it and it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say No I 'm not ready .
13 The oil of rhodium possesses peculiar properties : all animals cherish a fondness for it and it exercises a subduing influence over them .
14 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
15 The Forward Trust Belfast League Senior quartet of League champion Derek Weir , Wai Sun Chan , Willie Cherry and Liz Cheevers has a winning look about it as it faces the Dublin and District League while the Junior quartet of John Fall , Harry Finlay , Andrew Gibson and Sharon Ferguson , drawn from division two , hope to maintain their winning run against Dublin .
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