Example sentences of "[prep] he [coord] he was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I got on well with him and he was partly responsible a year or so later when I moved to a morning paper in Wales .
2 Eventually the law caught up with him and he was heavily fined for caging protected species .
3 For several months , Lavinia enjoyed a passionate affair with him and he was frequently a visitor to Shaw Place for he was a Luftwaffe pilot and shared Lavinia 's love of flying .
4 The cripple turned to make off into the undergrowth and as he did so there was a twang from Marian 's bow and one of his crutches spun from under him and he was down one-sidedly .
5 There was nothing unusual about him and he was n't fired .
6 David Tagg of Grand Metropolitan also acknowledged that headhunters will try quite naturally to seduce good people away from such companies as his own ; but , he maintained , headhunters overall did a good job for him and he was not frightened that they might take his staff .
7 ‘ It was n't an easy show for him and he was very conscious of carrying it all the way .
8 Getting rid of me had proved too much for him and he was now trying to force through a muddled compromise .
9 She waved to him but he was not looking in her direction .
10 Jarvis tried to talk to him but he was deeply suspicious , saw Jarvis first as a social worker , then as the press , swore at him and spat , landing a gob of spittle on his jacket lapel .
11 For a moment he seemed quite dreadfully aged and the next I was used to him and he was quite unchanged .
12 So I explained to him and he was very nice , er but one of the things that they 'd said that they would do , is get all the news broadcasters er to sign consent forms
13 Whereas , if he leapt around , stood on his hind legs , and tried to eat a pound or two of human flesh , the headstall was not put on him and he was n't taken anywhere .
14 Pulling the tabs on the thermal cans to heat up the food , she glanced over at him but he was exactly as he 'd been all day , close yet remote , unreachable .
15 The information was n't either was n't available to him or was not understood by him and he was n't able to interpret it for the board .
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