Example sentences of "[prep] he [conj] [verb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 His mother came in , fell on her knees in front of him and pressed him to her ; She was gasping and shuddering .
2 Some of these girlie fans must think that David is wonderful but I do n't think they want to grab hold of him and shag him to death .
3 He took out the photograph which he always carried with him and compared it to the woman he had just seen .
4 ‘ I went to the front of the house and saw the dogs catch up with him and knock him to the ground .
5 He struggled even more when four men pounced upon him and pinned him to the ground , but his frantic movements were more an attempt to breathe than to escape .
6 They tried to grab the cash from him and knocked him to the ground .
7 He thinks the Ukrainian probably was killed and someone stole it from him and got it to Europe . ’
8 But in the same split second something like an iron band clamped round his waist , squeezing the breath from him and bringing him to a dead stop .
9 Mrs Sowerby put her arms round him and held him to her .
10 Remember that it is better to kill the reader with kindness by selecting information for him than to batter him to death in a flurry of factual blows !
11 If I was you now I 'd go to him and give it to him , I tell you !
12 The lion immediately jumps on him and forces him to the ground .
13 The robot put Buff to sleep , then put the spacesuit on him and carried him to the spaceship .
14 The gang pounced on him and knocked him to the ground — but he curled up into a ball to save himself as punches and kicks rained down .
15 Albert Tailors , in the shape of old Mr Albert himself , took one look at him and channelled him to the Teens Room , which was festooned with guitars and pictures of pop singers .
16 Dad was told how naughty James had been and then shouted at him and sent him to the bedroom .
17 ‘ Does yer mother know yer out ? ’ shouted one of the lads and then all at once they charged at him and manhandled him to the ground .
18 Hizir Bey was greatly impressed by him and sent him to Murad II , recommending that he be given a teaching post .
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