Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister for Local Government , Rural Development and Special Education , Maulana Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi , resigned on March 4 after being criticized by Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif for not supporting the government 's policies over the Gulf war .
2 NRA officials placed booms across the river at Barnard Castle and a tributary further upstream after being alerted by Northumbrian Water .
3 After being mobbed by local rugby fans Botha said : ‘ We have come here to prove that we are all equal and our rugby is unified . ’
4 Former Ulster dancing champion Yasmin ( 23 ) is seen in the advert strutting through Belfast city centre — dancing in a green catsuit after being energised by giant Finn McCool .
5 THE sight of Martin Bell falling injured after being hit by Serbian mortar fire reminds us of the risks reporters take to bring us the news .
6 The amendments shall enter into force after being ratified by all Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements . ’
7 After being approached by several manufacturing companies it became obvious that the manufacturing aspect to our business could be handled by others , leaving us free to concentrate on our core business the design , specification and installation side . ’
8 For decades after their War of Independence , the Israelis claimed that most of the Arab Palestinians had left of their own free will after being urged by Arab radio stations to leave their homes and take sanctuary in neighbouring states until the Arab armies had conquered the upstart new Israeli nation .
9 When the Single European Act first came into force , they took exception to a number of Commission proposals put forward as single market measures under Article 100A of the EEC Treaty , and thus capable of being adopted by qualified majority in the Council .
10 The arbitrary implications of undefinable rights are particularly evident where the right claimed is by its nature not capable of being satisfied by any degree of compulsion exercised within the relevant society .
11 However , accounting practices are changing constantly and SSAPs are in the process of being replaced by Financial Reporting Standards .
12 She had no intention of being accepted by this family .
13 However , in being always revisable in the light of new information the judgement still remains on a par with acceptance of a historical fact or a law of nature , which likewise never escape the possibility of being discredited by new evidence .
14 The acquisition of the share capital of a private company which is not widely held and is capable of being concluded by private contract will often be considered for a dispensation .
15 After nights of being drenched by icy rain in a shell-hole under non-stop shelling , a twenty-year-old French corporal wrote :
16 The Doctor ordered Howard to stop the car at the top of the road leading down into the city , weighing up the risks of being attacked by one side or the other .
17 While the clock is chiming , there is also a 50% chance per character per round of being attacked by another object in the room : the rocking-horse bites , a chair leg strikes at a shin , a table drawer flies out and strikes a vicious blow in the stomach , a toy soldier stabs at an ankle , and so on .
18 If the Foreign Office can not agree with MI6 as to who are Britain 's enemies , the effectiveness of MI6 is at risk of being submerged by political expediency , calling into question the whole point of having such an organisation in the first place .
19 The midnight taxi-jams show no sign of being shortened by corporate retrenchment .
20 For example , he or she may complain now of thoughts racing through the head , now of having no thoughts at all , or , on one occasion , of being bombarded by external stimulation , making concentration difficult , and , on another , of being fixated on some trivial detail in the outside world .
21 Instead of being guided by any ambition to oversee a national cultural mission , the disciplinary impulse was directed towards establishing English as a humane profession .
22 Transportation systems have a habit of being overtaken by new technology even as they reach their apogee .
23 In Canada , Siberia , and the Far East , in the trans-Andean regions of Latin America and in Africa , the heroic building period was to come in the years when the railways stood on the threshold of being overtaken by new transportation developments , the internal combustion engine and later the aeroplane .
24 As women , we can feel a dread of being overtaken by this archetype .
25 As much as he talks of being driven by sporting ambition , his actions continually suggest a more cynical approach to the richest prize in sport .
26 His nearest rival in the elections , for which there had been seven candidates in all , was a film producer , Davlar Koudonazarov , who gained only a quarter of the vote , despite being backed by both opposition parties , the Democrats and Islamic Rebirth ( whose own candidate had withdrawn ) .
27 Remarkably , the five-month build programme finished two weeks ahead of schedule , despite being dogged by bad weather .
28 Well the suggestion is that people who are n't er maintaining a traditional family unit are actually being , like being penalised by public policy , is is is that a general opinion ?
29 Social life is very far from being governed by shrewd logic and sweet reason .
30 Ring fencing needs to be enshrined in the legislation to prevent the funds from being diverted by regional health authorities or the Government .
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