Example sentences of "[prep] the end of [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 148 Squadron suffered such an attrition rate to its Wellingtons during attacks on Malta 's airfields early in 1941. that immediately after the end of February the unit was withdrawn to Egypt .
2 As of the end of January the main slick had yet to come ashore ( media reports and pictures of onshore damage were of smaller slicks caused by Iraqi shelling of Saudi facilities at Khafji and Mishab ) .
3 As of the end of March the Security Council had yet to agree on a further resolution to establish definitive ceasefire conditions .
4 In one school towards the end of July the staff arrived to discover that the staff room was festooned with balloons and streamers , the wine glasses were dusted off ready for use later in the day but , most importantly on the display board was a very large notice in thick felt pen :
5 Towards the end of September the adult birds begin their long migratory journey south across the Atlantic where they will winter in the tropical seas of South America .
6 Towards the end of field-work a constable newly transferred to the Neighbourhood Unit from one of the sections expressed his difficulties in adjusting to the new round of duties , stating that it was more difficult to pass the time because nothing seemed to happen ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 16 ) : establishing informal contact with the public was not yet itself seen as doing police work and boredom was unappealing .
7 Towards the end of May the leading figures in government , headed by Gloucester , published an oath to respect the queen 's safety if she came out of sanctuary .
8 Towards the end of May the leading figures in government , headed by Gloucester , published an oath to respect the queen 's safety if she came out of sanctuary .
9 Towards the end of November a three-day training workshop was organised by SCOTVEC with from Barbara Shelborn Associates to assist the National Development Officers in structuring competency based units .
10 Before the end of July the Prime Minister was sufficiently restored to take an intelligent interest in affairs of state and express his own decisive view .
11 From then until the end of February the gallery will be showing drawings , gouaches , photographs and photomontages by Domela , together with recent work by Jaume Plensa .
12 In the end of course the government 's majority triumphed and the whole affair died away , but Marconi remained a favourite cry of Unionist hecklers in 1914 .
13 In the six months to the end of July the group made a profit of £1.18million — 4.4 per cent down on the same period last year .
14 During the year to the end of March the Northern Ireland group saw pre-tax profits climb to £25.3m from £18.8m previously .
15 Within a few days they were ready to invite Poole to a dinner of roast pork and potatoes — cooked in the baker 's oven because the cottage had none that could be used — and at the end of January a letter to John Prior Estlin described with quiet enthusiasm the clear brook which ran before the cottage door , a pretty garden — ‘ large enough to find us vegetables and employment ’ — and an orchard lying beyond which was about to become home for some ducks and geese , as well as two pigs .
16 The dissolution of BCP cells in the armed forces had already been ordered by the former politburo on Jan. 24 and had been accomplished by Feb. 15 , while at the end of January a congress of the Union of Journalists had banned party cells from newspapers and publishing houses .
17 At the end of January an invitation from Richard Brinsley Sheridan to write a tragedy for Drury Lane left Coleridge ‘ gratified and somewhat elated ’ , and vowing that whatever time he could spare from reviewing he would now devote to play-writing .
18 At the end of January an opinion poll showed support for the war at less than 30 per cent .
19 At the end of January an amendment to Article 27 of the 1917 Constitution implementing a radical agricultural reform was approved by Congress and signed by President Carlos Salinas de Gortari who had first proposed the reform in November 1991 [ see p. 38569 ] .
20 When the full County Council met at the end of January the County Manager proposed the Council should commission An Foras Forbartha ( AFF ) to undertake a study of the issue .
21 At the end of January the government confirmed that the proposed referendum on whether the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces should be made permanent [ see p. 36735 ] would be postponed for a further six months .
22 At the end of January the government had launched its long-postponed programme of privatizing 100 state companies , intended to raise US$7,000 million in 1991 and up to US$18,000 million by the end of 1992 .
23 At the end of January the government froze the prices of 14 staple goods , in a measure which Dimitrov described as anti-market but necessary for social reasons .
24 At the end of January the government stated that allied bombing had damaged 84 per cent of utilities but that 90 per cent of the damage had been repaired .
25 Mrs Chandler regained consciousness at the end of September a month after the attack but was never able to recall the attack .
26 At the end of September the group split up ; determined to get away from things English , they now decided to explore different areas , thinking they would learn more German if they gave up each others ' company .
27 At the end of September the picture was complicated by increasing evidence that the billionaire Ross Perot , who had campaigned as an undeclared candidate in the early stages of the race but then withdrawn [ see pp. 38997-98 ] , was set to make a formal declaration of his candidacy .
28 At the end of July the debtor instructed other solicitors .
29 At the end of July the Great Eastern Railways conveyed 500 tons of green peas on a single day from the area around Maldon in Essex .
30 They said that every year at the end of winter the cows are so thin and weak that diseases spread and wipe them out like flies .
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