Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 In 1768 the statutory day for the tailors was cut to thirteen hours .
2 However , if you include retention of title clauses in your conditions of sale you may be able to stop title passing until the amount owing for the goods is paid to you .
3 The loss of support for the Greens was attributed to their critical stance on unification , their internal divisions , and the espousal of environmental causes by the other parties .
4 Almost all the surviving evidence for the streets is confined to the walled area which enclosed 8 ha ( 20 acres ) , even though occupation debris is known to be far more extensive .
5 Next year 's outlook for the banks is expected to be less cloudy .
6 Because the full amount of the price for the shares is deemed to be a capital receipt in each shareholder 's hands , the shareholder is not entitled to an ACT credit in respect of the ACT paid by the company .
7 It is not hard to construct a case in which a contravener induces an investor to enter into a share purchase transaction with a third party associate under which the price for the shares is paid to the third party .
8 In this society where women hold the ultimate responsibility for the welfare of children , it is vital that money paid for the children is paid to the mother on that basis alone , in order to avoid real hardship particularly in times of crisis .
9 On Oct. 30 five high-school students arrested during the disturbances were sentenced to between five and eight years in prison .
10 Efforts to control whaling between the wars was said to be for the purposes of resource conservation ; that they were really concerned with managing the flow of whale oil through international markets .
11 The long-lasting and smooth relationship between the partners is attributed to earlier experiences .
12 Children who come into care through the courts are committed to the care of the local authority either because they are themselves offenders , or because they are the victims of offences or because they are found in need of care .
13 The pulses of light passing through the slots are converted to electrical signals by the photocell and are treated in just the same way as those of the mechanical system .
14 There is no obvious source and distribution methods vary , although many of the games are believed to be manufactured in Lincoln , Nebraska , home of the US National Socialist Party .
15 Is this the food of the Gods being taken to lions ?
16 Approximately half of the varices are localised to the distal colon and rectum , and 20% of patients have had previous surgical operations .
17 Certain of the magistrates were nominated to a special inner group , some of whom had to be present if a session of the magistrates ' court was to be lawful .
18 The character of free-standing sculpture , so noticeable in the figures of the east , is abandoned in the chariot-teams , where the near horse alone is carved in full , heads and necks of the others being attached to it in a kind of receding relief ; but this was a special problem which required a special solution .
19 In a limited company the liability of the members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares .
20 In a recent ACCOUNTANCY survey of the financial directors of The Times Top 100 Companies , over 70% of the respondents were found to be trading electronically .
21 The outer points of the peltae are drawn to a greater height than are the central features , and terminate in a volute with tendrils .
22 The quantitative effects of the drugs were related to the rate of fluid secretion or absorption .
23 On the one hand , while two-thirds of the females were introduced to heroin by their male partner , that is , husband or boyfriend , none of the males were introduced to it by their female partner .
24 Most are found associated with forts or their vici , such as Lancaster , Binchester , Lanchester , Housesteads , Risingham , Chesterholm and Greta Bridge , but they are also known from the civitas capitals of Wroxeter and Winchester and the small towns of Dorchester and Catterick ; it is possible , though , that the latter were present when Catterick was still a military vicus , since one of the inscriptions is dated to AD 191 .
25 With their Chargecards you can dial out from almost any phone at the same cost as using a phone box , the cost of the calls being added to your normal bill .
26 In all the instances concerned in this case , the goods were traced and the thefts had occurred within a day or so of the goods being presented to Stardust Jewellers .
27 That year , therefore , saw the re-establishment of a principle which had existed in Scotland for centuries , namely ‘ the arrangement by which the formation of the records is committed to one set of officers and the custody of them to another ’ ( Conveyancing Lectures , Menzies , 2nd Edn , 1856 , p 165 ) .
28 She described the sound of footsteps , the noise of theatre machinery and even the sound of the instruments being handed to the surgeon .
29 So they 're not bad value , but I , again I would n't overdo it , because we do n't know what the schemes will actually produce , and if you 're going to that I 'd er most of the schemes are limited to five thousand minimum .
30 However , if the frequency of the taps is increased to four a second , its behaviour changes and it tries to crawl onto the stick .
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