Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They were indeed too enthusiastic , for the demands of several burgh councils could prove too much for the resources of even the best-endowed East India Company director .
2 South Armagh , once known as bandit country , is notorious for the operations of arguably the most effective and committed members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army .
3 So what do I see as the problems in how the industry appeals to the children of today ?
4 They were seen as the agents of either an alien , infidel force ( the British ) or a dissolute secular power ( the Khedive ) .
5 The GUARDIAN last Saturday had an interesting bit of copy about clubs in the Premier football division being prepared to consider a ban on transfers of players between the clubs for virtually the whole of the soccer season .
6 Lord Southwood of Odhams Press acquired his 51 per cent shareholding in the Daily Herald between the wars on much the same basis .
7 The West German Social Democrats were hostile to the whole concept , as they were to the EDC and West German rearmament , while some French Socialists were unhappy about the proposals on how the new structure would relate to Britain .
8 In this discussion it has been hard to draw the line between issues that are essentially ‘ characteristics of policy ’ that affect implementation , and points that are really observations about the characteristics of either the relationships between central policy makers and local implementers , or of the organization of the implementing agencies .
9 ‘ That means you 're going to be off the streets for quite a while . ’
10 These quirks of fate , combined with Jane Brown 's own enthusiasms ( she is the author of a fine book on the Lutyens-Jekyll partnership ) have resulted in a narrative in which the gardens of the Arts and Crafts movement , a relatively short period between 1890-1914 , get twice the space of the gardens of either the eighteenth or the nineteenth century .
11 COSE , it turns out , is part of a much wider recipe that was originally cooked up by Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp , prime movers in the effort to meet the threat to Unix — and OS/2 for that matter — posed by Microsoft Corp 's forthcoming Windows NT operating system , and probably two of the firms with potentially the most to lose .
12 COSE , it has emerged , is part of a much wider recipe that was originally cooked up by Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp , prime movers in the effort to meet the threat of Microsoft Corp Windows NT , and probably two of the firms with potentially the most to lose .
13 De Gaulle handled the problem of the committees in much the same way that he had dealt with resistance organizations in 1944 .
14 The concern of Marland ( 1986 ) and Tickle ( 1987 ) about the lack of research quoted earlier is one of the signs of how the arts are being starved of funds whilst other curriculum areas , most notably the development of the ‘ balanced science ’ curriculum programme through the Secondary Science Review ( Association for Science Education , 1987 ) , have been aided by ethnographic research supported by the DES .
15 ‘ And if we can shift one half of one per cent of the products from outside the area to within , that alone will be worth £2million to Darlington . ’
16 The problem to be faced is that of limiting the choice of the contents of even a partial set , in some non-arbitrary way .
17 Thus the Centre has a dual role involving the understanding of the needs of both the academic and the non-academic communities which is particularly challenging .
18 And over there , ’ he said pointing to the left of the fields to where a small road wound its way up a hill , ‘ is where one of yer teachers lives .
19 One of the results of even a modest rate of inflation is that as people 's money income increases , so too does their tax bill .
20 Most of the facts about how an investment group could be allowed to draw in tens of millions of pounds of people 's savings for years after regulators had first spotted that things were amiss at Barlow Clowes were revealed in a report by Sir Godfray Le Quesne commissioned last year by the then Trade Secretary , Lord Young .
21 The overall effect of the distortions to both the income statement and balance sheet is to give firm A a return on assets of 16.67 per cent and firm B a return on assets of 9.09 per cent even though both firms are identical in every way except for the inventory valuation method used .
22 A reader is free to interpret the actions and the motivations of the characters of even the most traditional novel in a variety of ways .
23 The only real differences are the new position of the logos of both the club and the manufacturer , plus the stripes on the sleeve .
24 At temperatures above 374° C and pressures above 218 atmospheres , water becomes what is known as a supercritical fluid , with some of the characteristics of both a liquid and gas , and is able to dissolve almost anything .
25 Two of the men from outside the region were fined £80 with £20 costs , the rest were each fined £100 with £20 costs .
26 According to these accounts , as the structure of the economy became more concentrated , in order to defend the logic of the capitalist mode of production , the state had to fuse with the monopoly sector and act against the interests of both the working class and the non-monopoly sectors of capitalism .
27 Nicandra knocked and tapped against the bars for quite a minute before Silly-Willie 's white face , like an oversized moon , filled the small window .
28 Salha was a woman of strong , open and reassuring character whose links with the women of nearly every household in Huaiwiri through her own daughters and her mother 's sisters ' descent in the women 's line ensured that she had influence in all households .
29 There , many Europeans could hardly believe their ears with the excuses of why the British would not want to sign a European Charter on Environment and Health .
30 Having tried out just about all the object-oriented databases out there , and signed agreements with the developers of quite a few , IBM Corp 's Programming Systems Division is phasing out all other agreements and signed a strategic partnership agreement with Object Design Inc ( CI No 2,156 ) .
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