Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] [adv] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although such examination might improve the drafting of the rule books — and that would be ( procedurally ) beneficial — it could have the unfortunate and fundamental consequence of inducing tribunals to determine what is or is not a fair dismissal by reference to what has been agreed between the parties instead of by the yardstick laid down by Parliament .
2 I drove through the city instead of round the loop .
3 Obviously the balance lift will do twice the work , in the same time , and , beyond this , the power required to operate the lift , although of the same intensity , would be only usable during a small portion of the rise instead of during the whole .
4 They carried the headlamp on the front of the canopy instead of on the dash and B.T-H .
5 ( 2 ) Choose a poem ( the same one as in exercise 1 if you like ) , and put the title after the first stanza , so that it is in the middle of the poem instead of at the beginning .
6 By positioning a bolster in the middle of the bed instead of at the end the mattress will look as if it is divided into two separate areas .
7 This kind of activity is seen as marginal to the work of the prison instead of as a central opportunity to reawaken feelings and capacities which have been stunted .
8 A short time before , estate agents ' men had put up a board to say that five houses were to be built — but they had erected it in the flower garden of the house instead of in the field as they had been instructed .
9 In the dark , panic-stricken by what she 'd done , she ran down the wrong passage , towards the sea instead of towards the land , slipped and fell to her death on the rocks below . ’
10 In addition , one is struck by the importance of such factors as : vocal quality — this is Billie Holiday and could not be anyone else ; phrasing — that is , the way she places accents , alters the rhythm , often by stretching out notes so that they sound behind the beat instead of on it , and joins notes together , for example smoothly or with attacked consonants ; and pitch inflection — the way she sometimes slides up to or away from notes , hits them slightly ‘ off-pitch ’ , and so on .
11 Both Himmler and Hitler disapproved of all this dangerous activity — they needed him — and Heydrich often had to sneak back to Berlin on late-night transport planes to cover the fact that he had been battling with the RAF instead of with the enemies of the State at RHSA headquarters .
12 He was , to her amazement , remarkably patient with her efforts , and she found she was actually enjoying the lesson , relishing the challenge of making her body work with the skis instead of against them .
13 Why not deal with the beam instead of for ever going on about the mote ?
14 6–6 The Session agreed that the choir should sit in front of the pulpit along with the Precentor instead of in one of the church pews as formerly .
15 After twenty-four hours she was so hungry that she dived her pale pink nose into the bucket instead of at him .
16 That explains why he ran away from the house instead of towards it .
17 He should have arranged to meet his friend Billy in the pub instead of in the cold street by the river , but Billy had insisted .
18 ‘ But why did you ask him to meet you in the garden instead of in the house ? ’
19 And , at the end of his busy career , he adds : ‘ It is rather interesting to be able to read The Times and The Northern Echo in the morning instead of at night . ’
20 I 'd have seen it if I 'd been coming down the stairs instead of in the lift .
21 Many drugs will be available over the counter instead of by doctor 's order only , Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley told the Medical Journalists ' Association in London yesterday .
22 Cllr Brooks was unavailable for comment but Elizabeth Leitch , Monklands housing convener , said it was regrettable that Cllr Murphy had seen fit to make allegations to the press instead of to the appropriate authorities .
23 Where a defendant sends a document to the plaintiff instead of to the court , the plaintiff is required to send it to the court straight away .
24 The second is that if , following the Francovich case , there was held to be a right to damages in such circumstances , the effect of requiring an undertaking from the council would be to impose liability in damages on the council instead of on the United Kingdom which , as I understand the position , would properly be the party so liable .
25 That 's why you meet Siward on the border instead of in the more usual way , such as in one another 's houses .
26 Eh , , I mean there 's a idea the money that 's been spent on the railways instead of on motorways we 'd be a lot better off , and I think and Partners subscribed to that because I think that erm , had more money being spent on the railways that we would have been much better off , oh I 'd much rather go on a train journey than on a motor bridge journey .
27 Hendrique , having learnt from his mistake , concentrated on the indicator instead of on Graham 's face .
28 She was agitated ; she was walking across the lawn instead of to the gate . ’
29 Possibly the reference is to German flutes , those of the now universal variety blown through a hole at the side instead of through the upper end .
30 And after running out of ideas against Watson he then appeared to run out of strength and motivation and was actually looking at the canvas instead of into his opponents ' eyes in the seventh round when he was flattened by a thumping left jab .
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