Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] that you have " in BNC.

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1 So we thank you for food , for clothing , for our homes , and for the government that you have set over the world .
2 Thank you all for the support that you have given during 1990 .
3 We praise you for the way that you have assigned these to the craftsmen of all kinds who have been involved .
4 capture your model using the process model definition language and add a LIFESPAN header for the pmodel that you have chosen and whose module name you reserved earlier .
5 In the case of a small pay cut , for example , we have seen that it is sometimes safer to sue for the amount that you have lost , rather than give up your job .
6 Moving the smaller oval into place is much easier than you might expect because of the way guidelines appear as the point that you have picked up come into alignment with important features on other object .
7 W what about the concern that you have ?
8 You must think about the time that you have available to spend with an animal .
9 If you do not choose the insurance policy that we have arranged with the Norwich Union , please ensure that you are fully protected against possible delays , as it is only through the policy that you have bought that compensation can be paid to you .
10 because that is what Germaine Greer says in her book , it 's only after the menopause that you have the freedom and the liberty , to find out
11 You are entitled to be paid for the proportion of the work that you have done and that it was reasonable for you to do .
12 Just on the floor at the front here , would you people just pick up one or two of the things that you have in front of you and hold them up above above your heads please .
13 The first step is to get a ‘ shopping list ’ from the producer of the software that you have chosen .
14 Try not to click with mouse and type on the keyboard while Windows is frozen because when it comes back it acts on all of the commands that you have given it — so apparently switching from a state of deep sleep to rapid activity that can look like another stage in a serious crash !
15 We will later send you or your travel agent a Holiday Details Form verifying the details of the holiday that you have already booked .
16 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
18 Depending on the shape of the frame that you have chosen , you may also wish to use a mount in the picture .
19 Another factor in selecting a home and a potential social life , is the predominant age of the community that you have selected .
20 The version and version number of the program that you have is displayed at the top of this screen , whilst at the bottom is your licence number and some guidance regarding which keys to press .
21 I think that there is a general recognition on the Opposition side of the House that you have a difficult job at Scottish Question Time .
22 we 're assuming for the purposes of the argument that you have n't , I mean it 's got ta be , you 've got other defences altogether er and indeed terms of which I have n't made my mind up yet , but with judgement and your duty of care erm may themselves solve this particular problem
23 And Goldberg , pushing the typewriter from him , dragging the pad towards him , Dear Harsnet , I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from all your old friends , and that you wish to have nothing more to do with them .
24 Money Lucky Jupiter and materialistic Venus ensure that you stay afloat financially , despite the fact that you have been careless with cash recently .
25 Some pieces of information must go unused despite the fact that you have them available .
26 It 's like the attitude that you have to be good and religious , think the right thoughts , wear the right clothes , believe the right things , come from the right background , if you are in any way to be acceptable to God .
27 Now the mission to Colesfield was with the crew that you have pictures , have the picture of , as you look at the picture from left to right standing in the back is or I should say , , , and his home town was Louisiana , he was a waste gunner .
28 But the point is it does n't matter who was right , and even less who would have been right ; all that matters is what people felt , because that 's what produced the new ethos of the age ; consensus had led to impasse , care to sterility , so : deliver a shock to the system , take the sort of radical risk with the country that you have to take with a business at least once in its history if it 's to succeed ; go for growth , take the monetarist shilling . ’
29 Make sure that all the question numbers on the front of the paper correspond with the questions that you have answered , and appear in the order in which you have answered them .
30 But if you can not afford to leave , might it not be better to put up with the treatment that you have received rather than becoming unemployed ?
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