Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] will [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They can cope with small units and for the present will keep it that way .
2 A win or draw for the Army will give them their 29th outright title while victory for the RAF will result in the 10th triple tie of the competition .
3 An impressive feature of the early post-war Palace sides was the triumvirate of Alderson in goal , Little and Ernie Rhodes at full-back , and those who watched them play for the Palace will tell you of an understanding between them that bordered on the uncanny .
4 IN these times of recession , the advice is DO N'T PUT YOUR CASH INTO CARS — as any classic car owner who has seen his investment crash through the floor will tell you .
5 Pulling a few exaggerated grimaces just before you go through the door will help you make the first important smile .
6 Your best bet is to give the person who is going to do most of the riding top priority ; if a five foot five woman and her six foot husband want a horse between them so that she can compete and he can hack , they should find that a 16hh middleweight that is deep through the girth will suit them both .
7 ‘ In any case , a glance through the lens will convince you that I am right .
8 The rabbit that goes back through the gap will run his head into trouble .
9 Mr Major 's visit to Barcelona for the last two days of the Games will mean he has spent an astonishing 80 days out of recession gripped Britain in the 20 months since he came to power .
10 We hope that the results of the evaluation will enable us to make further improvements in time for the start of the next session .
11 The resident has a right to know what is in the plan , and the staff of the Home will put it into practice .
12 It happens every year and no department of the council will cut its costs voluntarily .
13 When you are ready , ring the service bell and one of the maids will show you to it . ’
14 He who has the name of the other will have him in his power .
15 Many children , it was said , ‘ actually begin their downward course of crime by reason of the burglary and pickpocket scenes they have witnessed ’ : ‘ All who care for the moral well-being and education of the child will set their faces like flint against this new form of excitement . ’
16 The increased use of gas to produce elect electricity will result in faster exhaustion of our resources while the subsequent closure of the mines will deny us access to hundreds of years of our richest and greatest energy reserves .
17 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
18 A slight modification of the procedure will enable us to add equality constraints .
19 I 'm sure the other members of the committee will forgive me if I mention Tracy and David and Norman of the last year as secretary , treasurer and stage director respectively .
20 One day when the terrible moment comes and it is bound to come when we shall be talking of the Serb national catastrophe , when we shall be questioning ourselves about who was responsible for it and how it came about that we are the last nation in Europe to be surrounded by such enemies and such hatred , then many of the great brains of the Academy will find themselves in the dock if they live to see the day .
21 The abolition of the clawback will enhance our position and 1992 must become a reality of fair competition and free movement of goods without any artificial restrictions .
22 The process of deciding where you are taking your business is the opportunity to get the involvement and commitment of others , which actually forms the motive power that at the end of the day will make it happen .
23 Unless I get answers to my questions then you and the rest of the crew will find yourselves explaining to the police instead .
24 It is not certain that a majority of the parliament will follow him when a free vote is held on the question of where Germany 's government should be .
25 One of the nurses will feed them to me later .
26 Authorities from all parts of the EC will deliver their verdicts on the effectiveness of the Government 's slaughter policy .
27 A metal plus an acid and most of the metals and most of the acids 'll give you hydrogen .
28 Okay right so there 's a s there 's a system to what 's going on with the acids and it 's not just one acid like hydrochloric most of the acids will do it some of them do it very readily some of them you have to get the conditions right often you have to get the temperature high to make it to make the reaction go but a metal plus an acid erm there 's a typical one zinc H two S O four gives zinc sulphate and the hydrogen .
29 Membership of the Campaign will pitch you into the heart of the battle to preserve British beer .
30 This is so that members of the public will know who they are talking to .
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