Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently it has sometimes been difficult for the new patterns to establish themselves in the face of combined resistance from programme committees , established departments , and professional senior officers .
2 It was then a forcing ground for the new classes establishing themselves and exerting their power against the existing feudal order .
3 Nietzsche was not present , but whereas the premiere of Tristan in 1865 had not prompted any discernible reaction in him , on this occasion he took a much livelier interest and during the following months familiarized himself with the work through the score .
4 Because it is not possible for more than four people to share a freehold , the owners of each of the six units formed themselves into a management company in order to buy the building ; each became a director of the company and was given a 999-year lease of his or her dwelling .
5 The flare sank lower ; was , he guessed , down to about thirty seconds , when one of the black figures detached itself from the shadows .
6 Furthermore , many of the great nobles enriched themselves through war : the Earl of Arundel , for example , was reputed to be fabulously wealthy and apparently had 43,981 marks in bags in the tower of Arundel Castle when he died in 1376 and another 57,000 marks elsewhere .
7 Most of the great Merovingians proved themselves in battle .
8 He himself was overthrown and killed in October 1987 by a faction of the armed forces calling itself the Popular Front , which established itself as Burkina 's source of legislative and executive power .
9 He himself was overthrown and killed in October 1987 by a faction of the armed forces calling itself the Popular Front .
10 One of the first kennels to establish itself as a consistent winner in the show ring was the Tankerville Kennel .
11 The rise of the middle-class was not , on the whole , predicated on an aspiration to join the aristocracy , whose way of life , especially during the Regency , met with a good deal of disapprobation ; but it was determined by the resolute intention of the new men to distance themselves in every possible way from the working-class , out of which so many of them had raised themselves .
12 Many of the other officers considered themselves good-looking , but this Englishman had an interestingly scarred face and a reluctant but infectious smile .
13 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
14 And you can have one of the spare rooms to get yourself ready in . ’
15 This was the first occasion on which the ancestors of the modern Slovenes found themselves included in a political unit which extended into central Europe .
16 Review your situation in the light of the preceding pages asking yourself , ‘ Are there areas of church life where we are operating in the dark , and where hard evidence would help us do things better ? ’
17 I find it easier than some of the younger ones to express myself .
18 Where there are to be music fades in and out at the transfer , leave plenty of overlap at the beginnings and endings of the pre-recorded sections to give yourself ample working margins at the mixing stage .
19 The nerve strain had been bad , and these were not men with the mental resources to immerse themselves in books or thought .
20 For many years before 1914 private house owners had been hit by an increasing share of rate levy , at a time when the costs of urban government were rising ; from the 1880s landlords found themselves in an increasingly difficult situation as demand fell and the burden of local taxation mounted .
21 There are loads of Leed supporters in Goole but they seemed to be more i interested in the young kids chucking themselves in the water jump on the running track which was right by the pitch !
22 A commentator in the Financial Times delivered himself of the following judgment : ‘ Tripe is tripe : if it is not then what we have here is codswallop , tommyrot , drivel .
23 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
24 As the main churches have become more liberal , Free Presbyterianism emerged to challenge the lack of ‘ real ’ Protestantism and hence offered an implicit challenge to the fraternal organizations to purify themselves by breaking their ties with the main , and now apostate , denominations .
25 A volatile , erratic but undeniably charismatic figure , with a loyal following among the Syrian troops enriching themselves in the Bekaa Valley , among the Palestinian terrorists financed by Lebanese drug trafficking , and among Arabs living in Detroit and Los Angeles who distributed the product , Rifat Assad was also too valuable an asset to fear official displeasure from any quarter , Syrian , French or American .
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